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20 Januari 2016 11:41

Great Indonesian writers wanted at emerging writers festival

The festival programs including seminars from both national and international writers, discussions, workshops and also movies screening.
Photo: baliemerging

Brilio.net/en - Emerging Writers Festival is an annual festival held in Bali to find newcomers in Indonesian literature world. Following the success of its sister and main festival, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) that had been held since 2002, the Bali Emerging Writers Festival (BEWF) that had been held for five years now is focused on only Indonesian writers. The festival programs including seminars from both national and international writers, discussions, workshops and also movies screening.

Big author names like Sapardi Djoko Damono, Dewi Dee Lestari, Ahmad Fuadi, Aan Mansyur, and Eka Kurniawan had supported the festival by coming as guest stars to inspire new writers. There are also filmmakers invited to share their experiences, especially for script writers and movie lovers to understand more about working behind the scene. Musicians and illustrators are also those invited because literature and books are related closely with music and illustration, especially for songwriters and book/comic authors. Not only that, the festival also invites international writers to participate as part of the collaboration with Emerging Writers Festival Australia.

This year the festival will be held on October 2016 and the selection for the writers will be closed at February 29, 2016. If you feel your poem/short story/novel worth to be on the list, check here (http://www.baliemerging.com). The curators will announce the selected winners by end of April 2016.

By inviting as many new writers to join in the few days festival, the organizer hope that new generations can speak up their minds, bring up fresh ideas and style in their writings, to actualize and express themselves in the best way possible and to inspire more people around. This festival is definitely bringing Indonesian literature into a whole new level.

(Reported by Victoria Tunggono/ @ratuvictoria)

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