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26 Oktober 2015 18:30

Golden statues of Hindu Gods discovered in an Indonesian cave

The Seplawang cave in Central Java is known for its sensational discoveries of Lord Shiva’s and Goddess Parvati’s golden statues. Nur Romdlon
Golden statues of Hindu Gods discovered in an Indonesian cave

Brilio.net/en - Natural tourism destinations are always a soothing sight for sore eyes. Caves represent one of the most attractive natural tourism sites across the globe. We take a closer look at the Seplawang cave in Purworejo, Central Java, which is a relic of the Hindu era known for its discovery of the Gods.

This symbolic cave borders the Kulon Progo Regency in Yogyakarta. More precisely, it is located amongst the clusters of Menoreh hill in Kaligesing district positioned 700 metres above sea level and approximately 20 kilometers away from downtown Purworejo.

If youre planning on a road trip to get to Seplawang cave, do exercise extreme caution as there are many meandering roads that lead you there. On the bright side, the pine forests along the way provide some rejuvenation for your mind and cool air for your lungs. If you arrive at night-time, you are bound to notice the beautiful view of the park above the cave, which is lit by a stretch of lamps to lighten the eerie atmosphere. Nevertheless, the absence of tour guide scares away even the most travel-savvy of visitors. The cave itself is damp and full of puddles, so those visitors that do make the visit need to be alert of their surroundings.

Lamps are set alight at night to reduce the aura of mystery.

Kanto (73), a Seplawang cave keeper, says that the cave is a relic of the era of Hinduism, and was used for meditation by the Gods of Hindu kingdoms. Discovered on August 28th, 1979, it gained popularity for harboring Lord Shivas and Goddess Parvatis golden statues which weighed 1.5 kilograms.

History coming alive - the golden statue of a Hindu God which was discovered.

The small golden statue is no longer stored here because it has been moved to the Jakarta National Museum, Kanto told brilio.net/en, Sunday (4/10).

In its place, the government has erected a large statue of Lord Shiva, paired with one of Goddess Parvati at the mouth of the cave. Beside this is a site of cultural heritage - on September 16th, 1979, statues of Lingga and Yoni were discovered. In Hinduism, Lingga and Yoni are embodiments of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati respectively.

Still within the area lies Gardu Pandang, a plateau visited by many tourists. The spectacular views from this plateau include South Beach, Kulon Progo city and Waduk Sermo. Nearby hills also allow visitors soak in the sunrise with a view of the Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing, Sindoro and Slamet mountains. While the journey to Seplawang may sound tedious, dont be discouraged because the Gods are waiting for you!

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