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25 April 2024 20:25

Going down the stairs you can immediately see the kitchen, 9 portraits of Mawar de Jongh's cooking area without a luxurious island table

Mawar de Jongh's cooking place is located in an area that is not very large, but the layout is compact. Ferra Listianti
Going down the stairs you can immediately see the kitchen, 9 portraits of Mawar de Jongh's cooking area without a luxurious island table

Brilio.net - Mawar de Jongh is one of the young celebrities who is currently climbing the peak of her career. Not only talented in acting, Bryan Domani's lover is also skilled at singing. One of the songs he popularized was entitled More Than My Ego and even became a hit song.

Her skyrocketing career in the entertainment industry has also made Mawar de Jongh successful in realizing her dreams, including building a minimalist residence. Through his social media, the actor from Friends But Married 2 shows a portrait of his residence. The area that steals attention is the kitchen.

Mawar de Jongh's cooking place is in a not very large area, where you go down the stairs directly to the kitchen. He also designed his kitchen in the style of a mini bar without a fancy island table . However, the kitchen looks comfortable with calm colors in shades of sage green.

Come on, take a look at brilio.net's summary from Mawar de Jongh's YouTube on Thursday (25/4), a portrait of Mawar de Jongh's cooking area.

1. Uploading apple tart cooking content, revealed Mawar de Jongh's minimalist kitchen which is designed in calm colors with shades of sage green.

2. Interestingly, Mawar de Jongh's cooking area is in a not very large area, where you go down the stairs directly to the kitchen.

3. Bryan Domani's lover designed his kitchen in the style of a mini bar without a fancy island table.

4. Meanwhile on the other side there is a black cooktop, which makes the kitchen area even more elegant.

5. Above the cooktop, there is also a smoke exhaust device to regulate air circulation in the kitchen.

6. There is also a dishwasher next to the cooktop to make it easier to clean the kitchen.

7. This kitchen also has several cabinets to store various kitchen needs. Interestingly, the wooden cabinet next to the cooktop is made specifically for the socket area.

8. Under the cooktop, there is a microwave for cooking and heating food.

9. Some parts of the kitchen are also designed specifically for furniture, such as the refrigerator area below.

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