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11 September 2024 04:45

Get to know various examples of fun and exciting modified games

Modified games are a creative way to increase the fun of traditional games by adding new elements. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Modified games are a creative way to increase the fun of traditional games by adding new elements. With modified games, you can make ordinary activities more interesting and useful. In this article, we will discuss some examples of modified games that you can try. Let's see more!

  1. Rounders ball with new rules

One example of a modified game that is easy to adapt is baseball. In this modified game, you can add new rules to increase the excitement. For example, add challenges for each player while on base, such as doing dance moves or singing a song before continuing the game. Modifications like this not only add to the excitement but also train the creativity and activeness of the players.

  1. relay race with obstacles

Relay race is a traditional game that is often played at various events. However, with modifications, this game can be more exciting. Try adding obstacles such as obstacle courses or small tasks that must be completed before handing over the baton. This modified game will improve team coordination and speed, as well as add a fun element of challenge.

  1. Hide and seek with a twist

Hide and seek is a timeless classic. To make it more interesting, try adding modified elements such as special rules where the found player must perform a certain action before returning to the "safe zone". For example, they must answer a riddle or perform a certain movement. This modified game will make hide and seek more dynamic and full of surprises.

  1. Basketball with different balls

If you are a basketball fan, try modifying the game by using a different ball. For example, use a larger ball that is harder to control or a ball with an unusual shape. Modifications like this will add difficulty and fun to the game, as well as improve your ball control skills in unusual situations.

  1. Football with creative challenges

Soccer is a very popular sport, and you can make it even more fun with some modified games. Add rules like only using your left foot or kicking the ball with a certain amount of force to score a goal. Or, mix it up by throwing in some creative challenges, like playing blindfolded or with different sized goals.

  1. Jump rope with a new technique

Jumping rope is a simple yet fun activity. To increase the fun, try modifying it with new techniques such as jumping in a certain pattern or using ropes of different weights. These modifications not only make the game more challenging but also help improve coordination skills and physical strength.

  1. Sack race with obstacles

Sack racing is a traditional game that always invites laughter. To add to the excitement, try adding various obstacles on the track, such as obstacles that must be jumped over or puzzles that must be solved in the middle of the race. With this modified game, sack racing becomes more challenging and exciting.

Modified games are a fun way to make an activity more interesting and challenging. By adding new rules, creative elements, or challenges, you can transform a traditional game into something more fun and rewarding. So, don't hesitate to try out the various examples of modified games mentioned above. Have fun and be creative!

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