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18 September 2024 04:34

Get to know the various types of product labels and their functions in the business world

Product labels are one of the important elements in marketing and identifying a product. Annisa Endriyati Utami
Get to know the various types of product labels and their functions in the business world

Brilio.net - Product labels are one of the important elements in marketing and identifying a product. Labels not only function as name markers, but also provide important information about specifications, content, how to use, and others. There are several types of product labels that must be understood by manufacturers to attract consumers' attention while complying with applicable regulations. This article will discuss the types of product labels and their roles in the business world.

1. Brand label

One of the most common types of product labels is the brand label. This label includes the brand name of a product. Typically, brand labels are placed prominently on the outside of the product packaging to make it easier for consumers to recognize the brand. An example of a brand label is the Coca-Cola name and logo that is attached to every bottle or can of their drinks.

Brand labels are very important to build consumer awareness of products and strengthen brand identity in the market. With a strong brand label, consumers will find it easier to remember and choose certain products amidst tight market competition.

2. Descriptive label

Another type of product label is a descriptive label. This label contains detailed information about the product, such as ingredients used, how to use, benefits, expiration dates, and storage instructions. Descriptive labels are often found on food, beverage, cosmetic, and even pharmaceutical products.

For example, on packaged food products, descriptive labels will include nutritional information, ingredients, and proper storage instructions. This is very important for health-conscious consumers who want to know what is in the products they buy.

3. Informational label

In addition to descriptive labels, there are also informational labels that are included in the various types of product labels. These labels provide technical information or warnings related to the product, especially in terms of safety. An example of an informational label is a label on an electronic device that provides instructions on power usage, voltage, and safety symbols.

Informational labels serve to protect consumers from risks that may arise during product use. In addition, this label also helps manufacturers comply with regulations set by the government regarding product safety.

4. Promotional Label

Promotional labels are various types of product labels used to attract consumers' attention through special offers, discounts, or bonuses. These labels are usually temporary and are often attached to products during promotional campaigns. For example, the labels "50% Off" or "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" are attached to products during promotional periods.

The existence of promotional labels is very effective in increasing sales and encouraging consumers to immediately buy products. This is one of the marketing strategies used by many companies to increase sales in a certain period of time.

5. Mandatory label

The next type of product label is the mandatory label. This label is required by the government to include certain information related to regulations and safety standards. Typically, food products, medicines, and medical devices are required to have this label. The information listed in the mandatory label includes the production date, expiration date, composition, and certification.

This label helps consumers ensure that the products they buy are safe and meet applicable standards. In addition, the legal requirement label also serves to prevent fraud and protect consumer rights.

6. Environmental label (Eco-label)

In this modern era, many consumers are increasingly concerned about the environment. Therefore, environmental labels or eco-labels are one of the types of product labels that are now increasingly important. This label shows that the product is produced with consideration of sustainability and environmental friendliness. Usually, eco-labels are attached to products that are made from recycled materials, are energy efficient, or have minimal negative impact on the environment.

An example of an eco-label is the "Organic" or "Recycle" logo found on environmentally friendly products. This label provides added value for consumers who are highly environmentally conscious and want to contribute to nature conservation.

7. Certification label

Other types of product labels are certification labels that indicate that a product has met certain internationally or nationally recognized standards. Certification labels are often issued by independent bodies or authorized government agencies. Examples include the "Halal" label for products that meet Islamic halal standards or the "ISO" label that indicates that the product has met international standards.

Certification labels are very important for manufacturers who want to show the credibility and quality of their products in the global market. Consumers will be more confident in buying products that have a certification label because they are guaranteed to be safe and in accordance with applicable regulations.

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