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15 September 2024 18:04

Get to know the various types of khiyar in Islam that you should know

In buying and selling transactions, Islam regulates several important concepts that you must understand, one of which is khiyar. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - In buying and selling transactions , Islam regulates several important concepts that you must understand, one of which is khiyar. Khiyar is a right given to both parties, both the seller and the buyer, to choose to continue or cancel the transaction. There are various types of khiyar that you need to know so that the transactions carried out are in accordance with Islamic principles.

Before discussing the types of khiyar, you need to understand what khiyar is. In terms of language, khiyar means choice or freedom to choose. In the context of buying and selling, khiyar gives the seller and buyer the right to reconsider the agreed transaction. This aims to ensure that the transactions carried out are fair, transparent, and in accordance with Islamic law.

Various types of khiyar in Islam

There are several types of khiyar recognized in Islam, namely khiyar majlis, khiyar conditions, khiyar 'aib, and khiyar ru'yah. The following is an explanation of each type of khiyar that you can understand:

1. The Ceremony

Khiyar majlis is one of the types of khiyar that gives both parties the right to cancel or continue the transaction while still at the transaction location (majlis). For example, when you buy goods at the market and are still at the transaction location, you have the right to return the goods if there is a discrepancy or if you change your mind. This khiyar majlis applies as long as you and the seller have not separated from the transaction location.

2. Conditions of the Conditions

Khiyar kondisi is one of the types of khiyar that gives the buyer or seller the right to set certain conditions in a sale and purchase transaction. For example, you can set a condition that the item you buy must function properly for three days. If the item is damaged or does not meet the agreed conditions within three days, you have the right to return the item and request a refund. This khiyar kondisi is usually agreed upon before the transaction is carried out.

3. Khiyar 'Aib

Khiyar 'aib is one of the types of khiyar related to defects or damage to goods that are traded. If after making a transaction you find defects or damage to the goods that were not known at the time of purchase, you have the right to return the goods and get a refund. For example, you buy clothes and find defects in the stitching that were not visible when buying, then you have the right to do khiyar 'aib.

4. The Ru'yah Prayer

Khiyar ru'yah is one of the types of khiyar that gives the buyer the right to cancel the transaction after seeing the purchased item. If you make a purchase of an item that has never been seen before, you have the right to check the item first before deciding whether to continue the transaction or not. If the item does not match the expectations or description given, you have the right to cancel the transaction.

The importance of understanding the various types of khiyar in transactions

As a Muslim, you need to understand these types of khiyar so that the transactions you carry out are in accordance with Islamic law. By understanding khiyar rights, you can ensure that transactions carried out are fair, transparent and do not harm either party. This is important to maintain integrity and honesty in muamalah, which is part of worship in Islam.

Examples of the application of various types of khiyar

To make it clearer, here are some examples of the application of various types of khiyar in everyday life:

  1. Khiyar Majlis: When you buy a bicycle in a shop and are still in the shop, you can cancel the transaction if you find a defect in the bicycle or feel that it does not suit your needs.
  2. Khiyar Terms: You buy a smartphone with the condition that it can be returned within three days if there is a problem with the battery. If within three days you find the problem, you have the right to return the smartphone and ask for a refund.
  3. Khiyar 'Aib: You buy a cupboard and after arriving home, you find that there is damage that was not visible at the time of purchase. You have the right to return the cupboard and get your money back.
  4. Khiyar Ru'yah: You buy a table from a catalog without seeing the item in person. After the table arrives and it turns out not to be as described, you can cancel the purchase and request a refund.

Various types of khiyar are rights regulated in Islam to protect the interests of both parties in a sale and purchase transaction. By understanding the various types of khiyar such as khiyar majlis, khiyar kondisi, khiyar 'aib, and khiyar ru'yah, you can ensure that every transaction you make is fair and in accordance with Islamic principles. Make sure to always check and understand these khiyar rights so that the transactions you make do not cause problems in the future.

Thus the explanation of the types of khiyar in Islam that are important for you to know. Hopefully this article can help you understand the concept of khiyar better and apply it in everyday life.

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