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12 September 2024 03:32

Get to know the various norms that govern your life

Norms are rules or guidelines that govern the behavior of individuals in a group or society. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Norms are rules or guidelines that regulate individual behavior in a group or society. Norms aim to maintain order, peace, and harmony in community life. There are various norms that apply, each with a different function and purpose. In this article, we will discuss in full the various norms that regulate daily life.

1. Religious norms

Religious norms are rules that originate from religious teachings. These norms regulate the relationship between humans and God and relationships between humans based on religious teachings. Religious norms are included in the types of norms that are absolute and binding, because they are considered as commands or prohibitions from God. Religious norms include various rules, such as the obligation to worship, prohibitions on sinning, and recommendations for doing good. Examples of the application of religious norms are prayer for Muslims, worship for Christians, and fasting during the month of Ramadan.

2. Legal norms

Legal norms are rules made by official state institutions and have a firm binding force. Various types of legal norms are designed to regulate human behavior in society in order to create order and justice. Legal norms have clear sanctions for anyone who violates them. Examples of legal norms are laws, government regulations, and regional regulations. Sanctions for violating legal norms can be in the form of fines, imprisonment, or other penalties that have been determined by law.

3. Social norms

Social norms are rules formed from habits or traditions in a community group. Various social norms are often unwritten, but are still obeyed because they are considered part of customs. Social norms regulate individual behavior to conform to societal expectations. Examples of social norms are polite speech, dressing according to local customs, or interacting according to culture. Although the sanctions are not as strict as legal norms, violations of social norms can result in social sanctions such as ridicule, ostracization, or reprimands.

4. Moral norms

Moral norms are rules that come from the human conscience. Various moral norms regulate human behavior to be in accordance with the moral values that apply in society. This norm is closely related to individual awareness to act correctly and avoid actions that are considered bad. Examples of moral norms are the prohibition of lying, stealing, or doing actions that harm others. Although the sanctions of moral norms are unwritten and internal, people who violate these norms often feel ashamed, guilty, or regretful.

5. Customary norms

Customary norms are rules formed from actions or activities that are carried out repeatedly over a long period of time, so that they become habits that are accepted by society. These types of customary norms usually cover small things in everyday life, such as eating, dressing, or shaking hands. Customary norms are often unwritten, but are applied consistently because they have become part of people's lives. Violations of customary norms usually do not result in severe sanctions, but can cause discomfort or displeasure among members of society.

6. Norms of politeness

Norms of politeness are rules related to manners and etiquette in everyday interactions. These various norms of politeness help maintain harmonious relationships between individuals in society. Norms of politeness regulate how to speak, act, and appear in accordance with standards or values of politeness recognized by society. Examples of norms of politeness are speaking in a low tone to older people, greeting when meeting, and wearing appropriate clothing. Although violations of norms of politeness do not carry legal sanctions, they can result in social sanctions such as reprimands or ostracization.

The importance of complying with various norms

Every norm has an important role in human life. These norms help create order, peace, and prosperity in society. By complying with the various norms that exist, you contribute to maintaining social harmony and stability. In addition, norms also shape the character and morals of individuals to always behave well and avoid actions that harm others.

Various norms, ranging from religious norms, legal norms, social norms, morality, customs, to politeness, have their respective functions and roles in maintaining balance and order in society. By understanding and implementing these norms, you can become part of a harmonious and ethical society. In addition, obeying norms will also help you in interacting with others and building healthy and respectful relationships.

Thus, it is important for every individual to understand and appreciate the various existing norms, because these norms are guidelines that ensure that community life runs smoothly and in accordance with applicable values.

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