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2 Januari 2017 11:29

Get To Know The 12 Faces Featured On The New Rupiah Notes And Coins

Meet the new faces of the Indonesian Rupiah. Aprilia Nurohmah
Get To Know The 12 Faces Featured On The New Rupiah Notes And Coins

Bank Indonesia has recently released new designs for seven Rupiah banknotes and coins, all of which feature image of national heroes.

These new notes are the Rp100,000, Rp50,000, Rp20,000, Rp10,000, Rp5,000, Rp2,000 and Rp1,000, while the new coins are the Rp1,000, Rp500, Rp200, and Rp100 coins. Why not get to know the few "new" faces seen on these designs?

1. Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Soekarno dan Dr. (H.C.) Drs. Mohammad Hatta

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The faces of Indonesia's founding fathers are again featured in the new designs of the Rupiah, specifically the Rp100,000 note.

2. Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja

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Ir. Juanda once served as the 10th Prime Minister of Indonesia and Minister of Finance in the first working cabinet. After first having his name attached to theinternational airport in Sidoarjo, East Java, now the Rp50,000 note serves to honor his service.

3. Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangi

Dr. Gerungan Saul Samuel Jacob (G.S.S.J Ratulangi), or commonly known as Sam Ratulangi, was an independence activist and the first governor of North Sulawesi. He is also known for his philosophy Si tou timou tumou tou ("human's purpose in life is to nurture and educate others"). In Manado, the stateuniversity and airport was named after him, and now his face can be seen on the Rp20,000 note.

4. Frans Kaisiepo

The Indonesian national hero from Biak, Papua, was a representative from the region during the forming of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia. He was once appointed as the Governor or Papua and suggested the name "Irian" for the region, which meant "the most eastern island" of Indonesia. His face can be found on the Rp 10,000 note.

5. Dr. K.H. Idham Chalid

On the new Rp 5,000 note, you will see the face of Dr. K.H. Idham Chalid, a cleric of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). He was the Deputy Prime Minister of Indonesia on the second Ali Sastroamidjojo and Djuanda cabinet.

6. Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin

The Batavian Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin or M.H. Thamrin is a national movement leader. While you can see his name being used as street name in many cities, his face can also be found on the new Rp 2,000 note.

7. Tjut Meutia

The Acehnese heroine can be found on the new Rp 1,000 note.

8. Mr. I Gusti Ketut Pudja

Mr. I Gusti Ketut Pudja was one of the members of the Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). He represented the Lesser Sunda region, known today as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, and was also the governor of the islands. He can be found on the new Rp 1,000 coin.

9. Lt. Gen. (ret) Tahi Bonar Simatupang

T.B. Simatupang was once appointed by Sukarno as the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic Indonesia from 1950 to 1953. Now, his face can be seen on the new Rp 500 coin.

10. Dr. Tjiptomangunkusumo

The face of the new Rp 200 coin is previously known as one of the three founders of the Indische Party. The figure of the independent movement was also involved in the establishment of STOVIA, a school for physicians, today known as the University of Indonesia's Faculty of Medicine.

11. Prof. Dr. Ir. Herman Johanes

The Rote-born national hero was once the seventh Minister of Public Works of the Republic Indonesia. He was also one of the forerunners of Gadjah Mada University's Faculty of Engineering. His face can now be found on the new Rp 100 coin.

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