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22 Juli 2016 13:55

Frenchman arrested for walking onto army base while playing Pokémon GO

Luckily for him, they saw the funny side Sahil Nathani

Brilio.net/en - In the latest sensational story to come out from the Pokmon GO phenomenon, a 27-year-old Frenchman was arrested for trespassing on an Indonesian military base.

Romain Pierre was detained by police after he walked into a base compound in Cirebon, West Java, while hunting for Pokmon on his smartphone. He apparently did not realize he was trespassing.

Pokémon GO takes a New Zealand man on the adventure of his life!

At least the soldiers found it funny! Image via simomot.com

When he saw police and realized he was somewhere he shouldnt have been, Pierre turned back but ran into a checkpoint, where he was detained.

How the globetrotting game Pokémon Go works

Col. Yusri Yunus, a police spokesperson, said he unintentionally entered the complex as he was hunting Pokemon while jogging.

After an interrogation with police that lasted several hours Pierre was released. A memorable workout, were sure.

At least this story had a happier ending than the two player who walked off a cliff while playing the game.

To all you Pokmon GO players out there, make sure you stay within the law while you have your fun!

Like the game says on start-up: Be aware of your surroundings!

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