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17 Januari 2017 10:59

FPI Rally To Demand Dismissal Of West Java Police Chief

More than 1,000 FPI supporters joined a rally demanding ‘justice’ for the hardline organization. Brilio.net
FPI Rally To Demand Dismissal Of West Java Police Chief

Over a thousand Islamic Defender Front (FPI) supporters took to the streets on Mondayprotesting a recent conflict between members of the hardliner organization and another mass organization, Indonesia's Small People Movement (GMBI).

Both groups clashed on Friday at the West Java Police headquarters, where FPI Chief Rizieq Shihabhad been summonned for questioning for allegedly defaming Pancasila.Chaos broke after the questioning ended, resulting in the burning of the GMBI office, a fight among both supporters, and the detainment of a few supporters from both parties.

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The rally on Monday begun at theAl-Azhar Mosque in Kebayoran, South Jakarta, and ended at the National Police Headquarter.

During the rally, FPI demanded that National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian dismiss West Java Police Chief Ins. Gen. Anton Charliyan who they see as having a part in Friday's chaos, consdering his positiongaspart of GMBI's board of advisors.

GMBI, with the West Java Police Chief as the head of its board of advisers, was directed to attack our clerics. Report this to the internal affairs. Don't let any general attack the clerics [by] deploying thugs. We are capable of fighting. If needed, we can even go to war this week, but we respect the law. That is why we demand the West Java Police Chief to be processed by the internal affairs and that National Police Chief not to be weak, go fire him [Anton]. yelled Rizieq in his oration.

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Anton Charliyan was not the only police official whose dismissal the FPI had demanded, as they also called for the dismissal of Jakarta Police Chief Ins. Gen. Mochamad Iriawan and West Kalimantan Police Chief Ins. Gen. Musyafak.

According to FPI, Anton and Iriawan are responsible for pitting the people against each other, especially regarding FPIs issues with GMBI (in West Java) and Islamic Students Alliance (HMI). FPI claimed Iriawan provoked FPI supporters to attack HMI members, thus creating a fight after the big Nov. 4 rally in Jakarta. Meanwhile, Musyafak is deemed responsible for not doing his part when Dayak people confronted MUI Deputy Tengku Zulkarnain in Sintang Airport.

National Police Spokesperson Bridg. Gen. Rikwanto and Head of Public Service Sr. Comr. Budi Widjanarko received the protesters on Monday, sinceNational Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian and other higher ranking officials were out visiting the National Army Headquarter in Cilangkap, East Jakarta.

Rikwanto later told the press that FPI had a total of eight demands to the police, including a request for fair treatment by the police, a call for the police not to get involvedin politics, and for the police to acknowledge the threat of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

Rikwanto said police have received their demands and will look into the Sintang case. However, he emphasized Anton Charliyan's position in the GMBI is not illegal as his superiors are well aware of his involvement in the group and his role is no violation to any regulations.

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