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8 Februari 2024 06:25

Formerly an extra in Iwan Fals' video clip, he now has a luxurious residence, 11 portraits of Eza Yayang's house from 'motorbike taxi'

The house is equipped with a swimming pool and luxurious interior. Hapsari Afdilla
Formerly an extra in Iwan Fals' video clip, he now has a luxurious residence, 11 portraits of Eza Yayang's house from 'motorbike taxi' foto: Instagram/@ezayayang

Brilio.net - Having worked as a singer since childhood and even singing in Brunei Darussalam, who would have thought that Eza Syaifudin Rohman or familiarly known as Eza Yayang was once an extra in Iwan Fals' video clip entitled Kemesraan in 1988?

This was revealed when Eza came to a television show hosted by Raffi Ahmad. Eza explained that in the past he had been an extra for Hetty Koes Endang's performance,

"It's not actually like this, in the past that was me at first, now I might call it extra. Back in the days of Hetty Koes Endang, Dina Mariana, if it really looked like (Iwan Fals) was the one who was behind it, that's me," said Eza, quoted from YouTube TRANS7 OFFICIAL .

For more than 30 years , Eza Yayang has maintained its existence in the Indonesian entertainment industry. Now he is enjoying the results of his hard work, one of which is building a luxury house in Jakarta for his children and beloved wife.

Are you curious about what Eza Yayang's house looks like now? Brilio.net summarizes from Instagram @ezayayang, here is the complete portrait for you, Wednesday (7/2).

1. The appearance of Eza Yayang's house looks very luxurious. The building itself has two floors.

2. This TV room is a gathering point whenever parents and siblings come to visit.

3. Because Eza's house was only built last year, there aren't many things in it yet.

4. This house was renovated by Eza in an American Classic style with black and white nuances.

5. The luxury facility in this house is the swimming pool located at the side of the residence. The swimming pool itself looks quite spacious for families.

6. Eza and his wife often invite relatives and friends to their new house.

7. One of the friends who visited the house was none other than Agnes Monica.

8. The floor motif used in each room is different, so this house is not too monotonous.

9. Eza said, for renovation matters, he handed everything over to his wife.

10. He only asked for one studio to be used for jamming and/or making music.

11. So, that's the latest portrait of Eza Yayang's house from 'riding a motorbike taxi' at TOP. Her spacious and luxurious residence is truly commensurate with Eza's struggle in the entertainment industry.

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