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24 Januari 2017 18:13

Experts Want Campus Intervention To Stop Student Violence

Recent deaths highlight the rampant problem in Indonesian higher education. Adelia Anjani Putri
Experts Want Campus Intervention To Stop Student Violence

Autopsies onthreeIndonesia Islamic University studentsthatdiedafter returning froma week-long camping triphave revealed that the bodies showedsigns of violence.

The trip wasrun by UII's Student Adventure Club and the students died on consecutive daysfollowing their return on Friday, Jan. 20.

3 Died After Participating In Student Club Camping

This is not the first time students died during a student events and initiationsat universities and academies around the country. Justtwo weeks ago a student at theMerchant Marine Academy (STIP) passed away during a marching band initiation.

The deaths have sparked a public outcry and calls for meaningful action to prevent student deaths, rather than authorities simply punishing the responsible parties. It is a prevalent issue athigher education institutions throughout Indonesia.

Isthere actually a solution to prevent more casualties?

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Darmaningtyas Utomo, an education expert from Paramadina University, saidcampus violence has roots in traditions of absolute senior "superiority" over more junior students.

This view must be changed, he said. Campus violence has nothing to do with curriculum or values. It is about social relations, how the people inside the university treat each other, between juniors and seniors or students and teachers. A sense of collegiate (sic) has to be developed.

Darmaningtyas wantsintervention from campus management to stop incidents from happening in the future.

There should be tighter regulations. At UII, for example, the rector decided to haltthe basic training program for the Adventure Club. Any further training should be conducted inside the campus so it can be controlled.

Is ittoo late to change attitudes?

Well, at least we can still cut the cycle of violence to prevent more casualties in the future," said Darmaningtyas. "Stop letting seniors conduct training sessions for freshmen or juniors. Just hire professional instructors or motivators to conduct sessions. They can bring better and more exciting education programs, and more importantly, they won't be violent towards the students.

Mohammad Abduhzen, executive director of Paramadina Universitys Institute of Education Reform, offered a similar solution to campus violence.

The tradition runs deep and its so hard to cut the cycle. It needs courage and new concepts, he said. Universities also don't have sufficient workers so they let senior students conduct trainings.

What they need to do is stop letting students conduct so-called 'trainings'. Or, if they really need to get students involved, campus authorities have to control the events so there will be no violence.

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