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8 Februari 2024 04:00

Examples of tolerance in the work environment, complete with understanding and tips

Maintaining a professional attitude and respecting various religious beliefs is also a form of tolerance in the workplace. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Examples of tolerance in the work environment, complete with understanding and tips

Brilio.net - Tolerance is an important key in maintaining harmony in the work environment. Tolerance can be interpreted as an attitude of accepting each other's differences, be they differences in opinion, culture, religion or customs. It could be said that an attitude of tolerance in the work environment will create a comfortable and harmonious work atmosphere, as well as strengthen relationships between co-workers.

Concrete examples of tolerance in the work environment include respecting differences of opinion, giving colleagues the opportunity to express their ideas without feeling judged, and being open to various cultures in the work environment. Apart from that, maintaining a professional attitude and respecting various religious beliefs is also a form of tolerance in the workplace.

Therefore, to create a tolerant work environment, it is important to provide understanding to all team members about the importance of tolerance, as well as providing examples of attitudes as superiors that reflect an attitude of tolerance. Not only that, there are policies that support tolerance, such as non-discrimination policies and training on diversity, which can help create a more tolerant work environment.

By having an attitude of tolerance in the workplace, it is hoped that productive and harmonious cooperation will be created between all team members. The following is a complete explanation of examples of tolerance in the work environment, complete with understanding and tips, reported by brilio.net from various sources on Wednesday (7/2).

Definition of tolerance according to experts.

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Tolerance is a very important attitude in social life. Several definitions of tolerance according to experts:

1. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Tolerance is defined as an attitude of tolerating (respecting, allowing, allowing) positions (opinions, views, beliefs, habits, behavior, etc.) that are different and/or contrary to one's position.

2. According to Soerjono Soekanto

Tolerance is an attitude that is a manifestation of self-understanding of the attitudes of other parties that are not approved. This means that even if there are differences of opinion, you still respect other people's income without judgment.

3. According to WJS Poerwadarminta

Tolerance is defined as attitudes and actions that respect, respect and accept differences between individuals or groups in terms of beliefs, opinions or beliefs.

4. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, tolerance is attitudes and actions that respect differences in religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes and actions of other people who are different from themselves.

5. According to Daniel Webster

Furthermore, according to Daniel Webster, tolerance is an attitude of respecting other people's opinions and beliefs, even though they differ from our own opinions and beliefs.

6. According to John Locke

Then, referring to John Locke's opinion that tolerance is the attitude of allowing other people to live by their own beliefs, without being forced to follow our beliefs.

7. According to Immanuel Kant

No different from before, according to Immanuel Kant, tolerance is an attitude that accepts other people as humans, even though they are different from us.

Based on this opinion, it can be concluded that tolerance is respect and appreciation for the diversity of cultures, beliefs, self-expression and ways of life of each person. With an attitude of tolerance, you can create harmony, peace and prevent conflict in everyday life.

Examples of tolerance in the work environment.

photo: freepik.com

Tolerance in the work environment is an attitude of respecting, appreciating, and accepting the differences that exist between colleagues, be they differences in religion, ethnicity, culture, opinions, work styles, or other things. In principle, an attitude of tolerance in the work environment can help increase cooperation, creativity, productivity and job satisfaction. So, here are some examples of tolerance in the work environment:

1. Respect, appreciate and not underestimate the opinions of each colleague.

One of the most basic examples of tolerance in the work environment is respecting and respecting other people. Every coworker has the right to express his or her opinion regarding the work, problems or solutions faced.

These opinions must be listened to and respected, without being underestimated or belittled. If there is a difference of opinion, it must be addressed wisely and professionally, without attacking or even demeaning the other party. That way, a harmonious, democratic and productive work atmosphere will be created.

2. Do not reprimand colleagues for differences of opinion in public and in a rude manner.

Next, there are examples of tolerance related to ethics and manners in the work environment. If a colleague makes a mistake, or there is a difference of opinion that cannot be resolved, it is best not to reprimand him in front of many people, especially in a high tone or harsh words.

This will make the person feel embarrassed, angry, and even hurt by the colleague concerned. Not only that, it can also reduce respect and trust between other colleagues. It is best to reprimand colleagues who make mistakes privately, in a polite and constructive way, so as not to cause conflict or even hostility in the work environment.

3. Apologize if you do this to a colleague.

Mistakes are normal, apologizing when you make a mistake is very important. The reason is that this way you can show a humble and responsible attitude in the work environment. Understand that no one is perfect, including in the workplace.

Sometimes we can make mistakes, whether intentionally or not, with colleagues or when carrying out work duties. If this happens, you should apologize immediately, without feeling embarrassed. By apologizing, you can show respect and appreciation for colleagues who were affected by your mistake.

4. Provide opportunities for colleagues who want to express their opinions.

Next is an example of tolerance that shows an open and inclusive attitude in the work environment. At work, you often have to discuss, exchange ideas, or share ideas with colleagues. At times like that, there are moments that make you and your colleagues misunderstand.

Not infrequently it also gives rise to endless debates. Therefore, you should give opportunities to colleagues who want to express their opinions, without interrupting, intimidating, or dominating the conversation.

By providing opportunities, you show respect and appreciation for your colleagues, making it easier for you to share perspectives and input that are useful for your work. The aim is to create a dynamic, creative and collaborative work atmosphere.

5. Do not impose your own beliefs on colleagues who have different religions or views.

This attitude is an example of tolerance that shows respect for diversity and freedom in the work environment. At work, we may encounter colleagues who have different religions, beliefs, or views than ours.

This shouldn't be a problem, as long as we respect each other and don't force our beliefs on them. By not imposing, conveying a sense of tolerance and respect for human rights. In essence, tolerance like this will maintain harmony and prosperity in the work environment.

Tips for increasing tolerance in the work environment.

photo: freepik.com

1. Listen and respect the opinions of each colleague, without taking them lightly. If there is a difference of opinion, convey it politely, not rudely or condescendingly.

2. Don't overly dramatize problems that occur at work. Instead, look for a just and peaceful solution, without blaming any particular party. If necessary, ask for help from a mediator or superior to resolve the problem.

3. Treat every coworker the same, without discriminating based on background, gender, age, or anything else. Respect the rights and obligations of each colleague, without discriminating against them.

4. Involve colleagues in making decisions related to work. Give everyone the opportunity to convey useful ideas, suggestions or criticism.

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