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20 Februari 2024 08:25

Examples of behavior that illustrate the 3rd principle at school, understand the meaning and benefits

Through an attitude of unity, students can learn to respect differences and work together well without conflict. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
Examples of behavior that illustrate the 3rd principle at school, understand the meaning and benefits foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Pancasila is the basis and principle of life of the Indonesian nation which must be implemented by every citizen. Pancasila consists of five principles, one of which is Indonesian Unity. Indonesian Unity teaches the importance of us uniting and supporting each other, regardless of differences in ethnicity, religion, race and culture. Therefore, the practice of Pancasila, including the 3rd principle, is very important in everyday life, especially in the school environment.

In a school environment, diversity among students is very important. Through an attitude of unity, students can learn to respect differences and work together well without conflict. Applying the principle of unity can also help foster a sense of solidarity and togetherness among students, teachers and other school staff.

Pancasila also teaches love for the Motherland and pride in being part of the Indonesian nation. By applying the principles of Indonesian Unity in everyday life, students can learn to love and respect their homeland and uphold national unity and unity.

So, to understand it further, you can read the following article. Summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Monday (19/2), here are examples of behavior that illustrate the 3rd principle in school, understand the meaning and benefits.

Understanding the 3rd principle in Pancasila.

photo: freepik.com

The 3rd principle in Pancasila is Indonesian Unity. This principle contains the value of Indonesian unity in diversity. This means that, even though we are different in terms of ethnicity, religion, race and culture, we are still one as the Indonesian nation. Apart from that, the third principle emphasizes the importance of harmony between people of religion and belief. This means that you must respect each other, understand and live side by side peacefully without any sense of discrimination or intolerance towards people of other religions.

In the symbol of the 3rd principle in the Pancasila eagle image, there is a banyan tree. The banyan tree here symbolizes strength, sturdiness, and various branches and twigs that extend in all directions. This illustrates the diversity in Indonesia which is strong and sturdy, but still united in one unit. The banyan tree is also known as a tree that has deep and strong roots, so it symbolizes courage and determination in maintaining Indonesia's unity in diversity.

Through the 3rd principle in Pancasila, you are taught to respect differences and maintain unity in diversity. These values provide a strong basis for the Indonesian people to live side by side in peace and harmony, even though we have different backgrounds and beliefs.

Examples of behavior that illustrates the 3rd principle at school.

photo: freepik.com

1. Mutual cooperation.

At school, you can show an attitude of mutual cooperation by helping friends who are having difficulties. Be it in lessons or other activities, inside or outside school. For example, helping clean the classroom together after class. Another example is helping your friend who is having trouble coming home from school because his bicycle tire is flat.

2. Tolerance.

Tolerance is an attitude of respect, appreciation for differences. You can show tolerance by respecting the differences between friends at school, whether in terms of religion, culture or habits. For example, respecting differences in ways of worship or celebrating holidays. Or respect the decisions of your friends who tend to be idealistic.

3. Collaboration.

When working on assignments or projects at school, for example, you can show an attitude of unity by working well and harmoniously with your friends. Sharing ideas, opinions and responsibilities are concrete examples of the 3rd principle. You don't need to hesitate to convey your ideas, and your friends also have the right to convey their ideas.

4. Maintain unity.

You can help maintain unity at school by not considering differences in background, ethnicity or religion. Establishing good relationships with everyone at school, regardless of differences, is an example of behavior that illustrates the 3rd principle at school.

5. Appreciate diversity.

At school, you can show appreciation for diversity by accepting and respecting all of our classmates. Welcoming in a friendly manner, making friends with everyone, regardless of differences, is a concrete form of Indonesia's united attitude.

Benefits of practicing the 3rd principle at school.

photo: freepik.com

1. Create harmony.

By practicing the 3rd principle, the school becomes a place of harmony and peace. An attitude of unity reduces conflict between students and creates a conducive learning environment.

2. Strengthening solidarity.

The practice of Unity Indonesia helps strengthen solidarity among students, teachers and school staff. Everyone works together to achieve the same educational goals.

3. Forming national character.

Through practicing the 3rd principle, students learn to appreciate differences and feel proud to be part of a diverse Indonesia. This helps form a strong national character among students.

4. Reduce discrimination.

An attitude of unity teaches students not to view differences such as ethnicity, religion or culture as something that differentiates them, but rather as wealth that must be respected. This helps reduce discrimination in schools.

5. Encourage cooperation.

By practicing the 3rd principle, students learn to work together well and harmoniously in every activity at school. They learn to respect other people's opinions and uphold the spirit of cooperation in achieving common goals.

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