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16 Februari 2024 08:00

Examples of allegorical figures of speech in poetry, complete with meaning and characteristics

Allegorical figure of speech is a language style that uses something to represent something else symbolically in a story or text. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Examples of allegorical figures of speech in poetry, complete with meaning and characteristics

Brilio.net - Figures of speech are a style of language that uses figurative words, metaphors or similes to provide a more interesting and deeper meaning and message in a sentence. Figures of speech are often used in literary works, such as poetry, to express the author's feelings, thoughts and imagination.

One type of figure of speech that is often found in poetry is the allegorical figure of speech. Allegorical figure of speech is a language style that describes something using figurative words in the form of objects, characteristics or symbols, without providing a direct explanation. In principle, allegorical figures of speech in poetry aim to convey hidden, symbolic or metaphorical meanings.

So, in this article, brilio.net will explore examples of allegorical figures of speech in poetry, complete with their meaning and characteristics. So that you understand more about the allegorical figure of speech in this poem, let's look at the complete explanation below!

Understanding allegorical figures of speech .

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In simple terms, allegorical figure of speech is a style of language that uses something to represent something else symbolically in a story or text. Allegorical figures of speech contain two meanings, namely a literal meaning and a hidden meaning that must be interpreted. Please note, when writers use allegorical figures of speech, it is usually to convey a moral message, social criticism, or subtle satire.

There are several views of experts who interpret this allegorical figure of speech, including:

1. Nurgiantoro (2017) said that an allegorical figure of speech is a figurative story whose meaning is hidden in the literal meaning.

2. Keraf (2010) defines an allegorical figure of speech as a short story that contains figures of speech that must be drawn from beneath the surface of the story.

3. Tarigan (2013) explains that allegorical figures of speech are stories told through symbols which are figures of speech that are continuously expanded as a place or container for the objects or ideas symbolized.

This view is not much different from the previous review, namely that allegorical figure of speech is a style of language that symbolizes something so that the expression seems more beautiful and profound. Likewise, allegorical figures of speech in poetry are expressions or words that have hidden meanings. An example of an allegorical figure of speech in poetry is, for example, the poem "I am a bitch" in the work of Chairil Anwar. The word "Bitch" describes an allegory for humans who are free and not bound by rules.

Another example in the poem entitled "Karawang-Bekasi" - WS Rendra. The word "Path" is an allegory for the journey of human life. Furthermore, in Sapardi Djoko Damono's works entitled "June Rain" there is the word "Rain" which is an allegory for sadness and longing and much more.

Characteristics of allegorical figures of speech.

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Allegorical figures of speech have several characteristics, including:

1. Often use rhetorical sentences, namely sentences that are persuasive, interesting, or contain hidden meanings.

2. Used in complex and symbolic descriptions or story sequences, which contain two meanings, namely the literal meaning and the hidden meaning.

3. Describe the nature of objects, symbols, or other things with or without an explanation of the true meaning.

4. Aims to educate and explain something, such as a moral message, social criticism or satire.

5. Often found in literary works, such as fables, novels, poetry and short stories.

The function of allegorical figures of speech in poetry.

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Allegorical figures of speech have several functions in literary works, namely:

1. Add depth to the meaning and moral message that the author wants to convey.

2. Make literary works more meaningful and impressive to readers.

3. Provide a variety of interesting and unique writing styles.

4. Make it easier for readers to understand the theme or message in a more visual and interesting way.

Examples of allegorical figures of speech in poetry.

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1. "I am the Ear" - WS Rendra

"Ears" is an allegory for the people who always hear and know what is happening.

2. "Flowers and Walls" - WS Rendra

"Flowers" is an allegory for beauty and freedom.

"The Wall" is an allegory for oppression and cruelty.

3. "Small Poems about Mother's Day" - Taufiq Ismail

"Mother" is an allegory for compassion and sacrifice.

4. "Blues for Bonnie" - Taufiq Ismail

"Bonnie" is an allegory for the oppressed people.

5. "Batu Malin Kundang" - (Folklore)

"Rocks" is an allegory for curses and regret.

6. "Walking Alone" - Sapardi Djoko Damono

"The Road" is an allegory for life choices.

7. "On a Ship" - Chairil Anwar

"Ship" is an allegory for life.

8. "Singing Sunyi" - Taufiq Ismail

"Silence" is an allegory for solitude.

9. "Memories" - WS Rendra

"Memories" is an allegory for the past.

10. "Greenhouse" - WS Rendra

"Greenhouse" is an allegory for a fragile society.

11. "Star" - WS Rendra

"Star" is an allegory for ideals.

12. "Peacock" - Sanusi Pane

"Peacock" is an allegory for beauty.

13. "Trees" - Chairil Anwar

"Tree" is an allegory for life.

14. "To the Reader" - Chairil Anwar

"Pen" is an allegory for the power of words.

15. "I'm a Bitch From a Corner Country" - Chairil Anwar

"Bitch" is an allegory for humans who are free and not bound by rules.

16. "Diponegoro" - Chairil Anwar

"Diponegoro" is an allegory for a hero.

17. "Twilight in a Small Harbor" - Chairil Anwar

"Twilight" is an allegory for sadness.

18. "Searching" - WS Rendra

"The Road" is an allegory for the search for the meaning of life.

19. "White Poems" - Taufiq Ismail

"White paper" is an allegory for an innocent and sinless life.

20. "I" - Sutardji Calzoum Bachri

"I" is an allegory for the universal human being.

21. "Bumi Permai" - Sitor Situmorang

"Bumi permai" is an allegory for Indonesia.

22. "On a Ship" - Chairil Anwar

"Master" is an allegory for a leader.

23. "Conversation with Mother" - Sapardi Djoko Damono

"Mother" is an allegory for affection.

24. "Goodbye" - Sapardi Djoko Damono

"The Road" is an allegory for life.

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