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15 Agustus 2024 09:25

Example of a statement of commitment, understand the meaning and function

A letter of intent is often used in various contexts, such as work, education, business, and law. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - A statement of commitment is an important document in various aspects of life, from education to professional. This document is often requested by institutions or companies as a form of written commitment from a person.

Therefore, understanding the sample letter of commitment can help you to compile an effective document that suits your needs. Mistakes in drafting this letter can have a negative impact on the application process or submission that is being carried out.

Knowing various examples of letters of commitment for various purposes is a solution for those of you who want to make a professional letter. Here is an example of a letter of commitment, recognize the meaning and function, as summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (15/8).

Definition and function of a statement of commitment.

photo: freepik.com

A statement of commitment is an official document created by a person or party to state in writing their willingness to fulfill certain obligations and responsibilities.

This letter usually includes details about the tasks to be performed, the conditions that must be met, and the time period over which the undertaking is valid.

A letter of intent is often used in various contexts, such as work, education, business, and law.

The function of the statement of commitment.

1. As written evidence of commitment

A letter of commitment serves as written evidence that a person has officially stated his/her willingness to carry out certain tasks.

With this letter, the commitment has legal force that can be used as a reference if a dispute arises in the future.

2. Provide legal certainty

A statement of commitment provides legal certainty for both parties involved. The party providing the statement of commitment is legally bound to carry out what has been agreed upon, while the recipient party receives a guarantee that the responsibility will be carried out according to the statement.

3. Regulating work relationships or contracts

In a professional or business context, a letter of intent is often used to regulate employment relationships or contracts between two parties.

For example, in a construction project, a contractor may need to provide a letter of commitment to complete the work according to specified specifications and deadlines.

4. As a verification tool

The letter of commitment also serves as a verification tool. The party providing the commitment can be monitored for its performance based on the contents of the letter, making it easier for the recipient to control the implementation of the task or obligation. If there is a discrepancy, this letter can be the basis for demanding a settlement or compensation.

Example of a statement of commitment.

photo: freepik.com



The undersigned, I:
Name :
Place and date of birth :
Education :
Address :
Job Title:

Declare that I:

1. Willing to be placed in SKPD within the Karawang Regency Government;

2. Willing not to submit a transfer application either within or outside the Karawang Regency Government Agency, unless they have had an active work period of at least 10 (ten) years from the date of Appointment as a National Civil Service Candidate;

3. Willing to be declared ineligible/dismissed and will not submit objections/complaints if there is a discrepancy between the registration registration data (Name and NIK) and/or participant registration input data and/or administrative files in accordance with the provisions;

Thus, I have made this statement in all honesty, and I am willing to be sued before the court and willing to accept all actions taken by the Government, if in the future it is proven that my statement is not true.

Karawang, 2024




The undersigned:
Name :..........
Address :.............
Position :...............

Declare truthfully that:

1. Able to complete 100% of the work as stated in the work agreement letter Number ........... dated ................with a contract value of:..... (.............. rupiah) no later than the date ......

2. If it turns out that the specified deadline has been reached and the contractor defaults/cannot complete the work or the PPK does not submit the BAPP no later than 10 (ten) working days after the end of the contract period, then our Bank Guarantee/Warranty issued by Bank .......... Number........ Date......... in the amount of..........(........... rupiah) can be disbursed by the Head of the Sibolga KPPN in the amount of the work declared to be in default/work that cannot be completed to be deposited into the State Treasury.

3. This Statement of Commitment is made in order to submit payment for the work in point 1 which is not yet 100% complete at the time this statement of commitment is made.

Thus we make this statement truthfully.


Partner Commitment Making Officer

............. ..........

(Full Name) (Full Name)
NIP...... ..................

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