- There was an unusual view during aflag ceremony atthe 018 Labion State Elementary School in Sembakung, Nunukan, North Kalimantan. Inaphoto posted by Jahari Po in Facebook, several students and teachers from the school are seen performing the weekly flagceremony amidst a knee-high flood.
"Aceremony atthe 018 Labion State Elementary School, Sembakung. What a great gesture of nationalism, kids," wrote Jahari.
The photo quickly went viral...
"Amazing spirit, we'll keep you kids in our prayers. Hopefully, some of you can be the country's officials who care aboutones livingin the rural areas," commented Semion L. Biena.
"I was deeply moved to see these kids carry out the ceremony in a situation that most poeple would not want to do it, unlike those kids who live in the city. HowVALUABLE & MEANINGFUL the flag must be to them. You guys are not HEROES but are EQUAL to HERO who INSISTS to raise the Indonesian flag. Maythese kids be BLESSED with intelligence, andbecome HONEST and FAITHFUL individualsto the country. Amen," wrote Firman Kristyo P.
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