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17 September 2024 23:10

Don't ignore it, get to know what light pollution is and its impact on human life.

The light that is directed upwards is then scattered by the layers of the atmosphere. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Light pollution refers to excessive artificial light. This phenomenon is generally caused by lighting systems that are misdirected, too bright, inefficient, or even unnecessary. Most light pollution occurs in urban areas, where there are many sources of artificial light.

In these areas, light often points up into the sky or light that should be directed down is reflected up instead. The upward light is then scattered by the atmosphere, resulting in a glow or glow that reduces the darkness of the night sky.

Excessive exposure to night light can disrupt natural sleep patterns and reduce the production of melatonin, a hormone that is important for quality sleep. Adapted from Harvard Health Publishing. (2019). "Light at Night and Health." Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, shows that this disruption can cause stress, fatigue, and long-term health problems.

Not only that, there are many other impacts that are important to know. What are they? Come on, check out the complete review that brilio.net has adapted from various sources, Tuesday (17/9)

What is light pollution and its types.

photo: bosscha.itb.ac.id/Alfan Nasrulloh

Light pollution is a disturbance caused by artificial lighting that disrupts the natural cycle of light and dark in the environment. This phenomenon can affect human health, ecosystems, and astronomy. There are several main types of light pollution.

1. Bright light (Glare).

Occurs when a very bright light source makes it difficult to see clearly or causes discomfort. Glare is often found in areas with very bright street lights or vehicle headlights.

2. Spilled light (Skyglow).

It is light scattered in the atmosphere and causes the night sky to appear brighter than it should. Skyglow is often caused by lighting from large cities and can interfere with stargazing.

3. Light Trespass.

Occurs when light from one source enters an unwanted area, such as light from a streetlight illuminating a private home or bedroom.

4. Excessive light (Light Clutter).

Refers to a collection of irregular or excessive lights in an area, such as neon signs clustered in a shopping mall, which can interfere with concentration and comfort.

The impact of light pollution on human life.

photo: bosscha.itb.ac.id

1. Human health disorders.

Light pollution can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm, a person's natural sleep-wake cycle. Excessive exposure to artificial light, especially at night, can affect health.

How not, bright artificial light at night can inhibit the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and the body's biological rhythms. This disorder can cause insomnia, chronic fatigue, and even increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that exposure to light at night can increase the risk of sleep disorders and metabolic health (Harvard Health Publishing, 2019).

2. Impact on ecosystems and wildlife.

Light pollution can affect the behavior and habitat of wildlife, which rely on natural light and dark patterns for their navigation and activities.

Nocturnal animals, such as birds and insects, experience disturbances in their migration, hunting, and spawning behavior due to light pollution. For example, street lights can disrupt bird migration patterns while reducing pollinator populations.

Adapting research published in the Journal of Ecology shows that light pollution can reduce the number of pollinating insects by up to 90% in some areas (Van Langevelde et al., 2011).

3. Disturbances in astronomy.

In addition, light pollution interferes with astronomers' ability to observe the night sky and even conduct scientific research. Artificial light from large cities can make the night sky appear brighter, thus obscuring the view of stars and other astronomical objects.

According to the American Astronomical Society, more than 80% of the world's population cannot see the Milky Way due to light pollution, which limits astronomers' ability to conduct observations and research (Kuehn, 2020).

4. Decreased sleep quality.

Furthermore, exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt natural sleep patterns and sleep quality. Too much light at night, whether from external sources such as street lights or from electronic devices, can cause sleep disturbances. A study in Sleep Medicine Reviews showed that exposure to blue light from gadget screens can delay sleep onset and reduce sleep duration.

5. Economic impact.

Not only that, light pollution can have economic impacts through energy waste and health costs. Inefficient or excessive use of lighting leads to energy waste, which impacts both electricity bills and carbon emissions.

In addition, health problems caused by light pollution can increase health care costs. A study in Environmental Health Perspectives estimated that reducing light pollution could save billions of dollars in energy and health costs (Hlker et al., 2010).

6. Disturbances to aquatic ecosystems.

Finally, light pollution can also affect aquatic ecosystems by changing the behavior of aquatic organisms. Artificial light near water bodies can disrupt the spawning and migration activities of aquatic species.

For example, sea turtles, which rely on moonlight to navigate their way to the ocean after hatching, can become trapped by artificial beach lights, which can lead to their death. Research in the Marine Ecology Progress Series suggests that beach lights can disrupt turtle spawning and affect the survival of hatchlings.

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