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25 November 2015 14:13

Don’t bring these foods when visiting these countries

Many airports such as Singapore and several other countries in the world ban visitors from bringing certain type of foods.
Don’t bring these foods when visiting these countries www.mncrewards.com

Brilio.net/en - Do you plan to spend the holiday abroad? If you plan to bring food, dont try to bring one which has a strong aroma for example. Many airports such as Singapore and several other countries in the world ban visitors from bringing certain type of foods.
Here are the lists of foods which are forbidden to bring in some countries as quoted by brilio.net/en from merdeka (24/11).

1. Italy

Photo: www.britannica.com

Do you include Italy in your travel list? When you are visiting Italy, you have to be careful about consuming the foods in this country. There is a rule in Italy that forbid people to eat and drink in public buildings and churches. Thus, you have to think twice where you enjoy your meal while walking around Italy.

2. Brazil

Photo: www.visitmuscatine.com

A watermelon is a summer fruit which is adored by many people. However people in Brazil, especially for those who live in Rio Claro, are not allowed to eat watermelons.

3. France

Photo: www.aol.com

Are you a condiment lover? If you are visiting France, you have to restrain yourself from enjoying your food with sauces or condiments. Many people in France think that extra sauces is the threat of American culture to France. They also ban the use of sauce in all schools in their country.

4. Wisconsin

Photo: sprullbros.com

When you are going to Wisconsin, dont be surprised if you dont find any butter on a restaurants table. It happens because there is a ban on putting the butters in the public areas. Nonetheless, you are still allowed to consume it if you make special request for it to the chefs.

5. Singapore

Photo: articles.mercola.com

Many people love chewing bubble gums when they are travelling. Nevertheless, do you know that chewing the bubble gum in the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is banned? If you keep doing it, you will be fined heavily. The sale and even the consumption of the bubble gum in Singapore have been banned for 20 years.

Those are the list of banned foods in various destinations that can be your guide when you travel abroad.

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