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22 Mei 2024 08:45

Clarification: High school student bringing girlfriend to the Holy Land, shared with family, not just the two of them

This young man regrets having created content that gave rise to misperceptions from the public. Ferra Listianti
foto: TikTok/@bintanggfairuz

Brilio.net - Performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca is a dream for all Muslims in the world. Worshiping in the Holy Land is no longer just a plan desired by parents. Currently, young pilgrims also have the same desire to enjoy the experience of worshiping in the Holy Land.

Like, a high school student who recently went viral on social media. Uploading moments from the Umrah pilgrimage on the TikTok page @stargfairuz, the student performed the Umrah pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca at a young age with his idol.

The owner of the account, known as Bintang Fairuz Firdaus, uploaded several photos of him and his lover praying together in Mecca. This couple can be seen taking a photo in front of the Kaaba with a pose facing the camera. Star Fairuz Firdaus wore white ihram clothes while her lover wore a black robe and hijab.

clarification high school boy takes girlfriend to the holy land

"The man is seen from his authority!!! 'Wii took his girlfriend to the holy land', for example," wrote in the description of the video upload, reported by brilio.net Wednesday (22/5).

Suddenly many netizens highlighted the student's upload . Many were against this upload, considering the status of the two of them still dating. Netizens also regretted the pilgrimage trip they took with their lover.

"Where are these parents?" said @ designeruswan

"There is no obedience in disobedience," commented the account @syukurkhisbulloh.

"If you want to deal with disobedience, don't bring in religious elements," added @andrian04___

Bintang, the account owner, immediately responded to the virality of the upload. Not wanting there to be many wrong assumptions regarding the content, this man, who is still a student, also provided clarification.

"Please allow all friends, on behalf of Bintang Fairuz Firdaus, I would like to clarify my personal video with my girlfriend which has been spread on several other social media and other websites," he explained.

It was stated that if he underwent the Umrah pilgrimage he would not be alone with his lover. However, they were also accompanied by their respective families. Bintang also emphasized that his goal was to fly to Mecca to worship as many Muslims do there.

clarification high school boy brings girlfriend to the holy land

"Not just the two of us did the Umrah, but the two of us were accompanied by our families and we also didn't come there to carry out bad intentions or anything. However, our intention was to worship, like Muslims in general," said Bintang.

Having no intention of insulting religion, Bintang regrets uploading content that led to wrongful arrest. He also apologized for his upload. Bintang hopes it can be a lesson to be wise in playing social media.

"Here I have no intention of playing with religion or anything else. Sorry if I didn't think long and hard about this video," he added.

"I hope this incident can be a lesson for me and all my friends in the future to be wiser in playing social media. For that reason, I apologize for the caption of my video which has many pros and cons," concluded Bintang.

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