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29 Mei 2024 06:00

Choosing to live in a boarding house with other people, the man complained, saying this character of his roommate makes him angry

The man named Gilang is known to be living in a boarding house in Bandung. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: Facebook/@Gilang Zola

Brilio.net - Choosing to live with other people in the same boarding house is a decision that needs to be considered carefully. Because sharing a living space requires adjustments to other people's habits and characters which greatly influence comfort. Therefore, it is important to communicate and make clear agreements from the start to prevent conflicts later on.

If you don't take careful consideration, the situation could be like what this man felt. He shared his life story of living in a boarding house with other people. The story can be seen in the Facebook post uploaded by the Gilang Zola account.

Gilang said he decided to live with a friend named Budi because he came from the same area. Apart from that, their homes are also quite far from their respective workplaces and campuses. Gilang is already working, while Budi is taking his second semester at a university in Bandung.

Even though they come from the same area, Gilang and Budi's boarding house life doesn't always run smoothly. For the last 3 months, Gilang has covered boarding costs because Budi admitted that he only had enough money for his college needs. Strangely, even though he came from a wealthy family, his friend always had difficulty sharing money for boarding needs.

photo: Facebook/@Gilang Zola

"He said he only had money for college needs, he had to pay for this and that. Even though he was from a wealthy family," Gilang wrote as quoted by brilio.net , Tuesday (28/5).

Not just boarding money, Gilang even has to cover Budi's daily consumption costs. Of course Gilang tried to find a way out of that condition. An idea emerged to start a joint venture. Gilang spent the capital while Budi went to trade.

But like someone who doesn't know himself, his friend's response actually made him angry. In fact, Gilang's intention is not to let Budi depend on him for his life. Moreover, Gilang is also trying to collect money.

Budi responded that he came all the way to Bandung to study, not to sell. Even so, according to Gilang, Budi should have self-awareness. At least contribute to paying the boarding house.

"I came here with the intention of gaining knowledge, not selling," wrote Gilang, imitating Budi's words.

Gilang's patience was increasingly tested when he came home from work and found that his food supply for the week had run out. After further investigation, it turned out that Budi had brought other people to cook together at the boarding house without Gilang's knowledge. Even though they had previously agreed not to bring other people to the boarding house except family.

photo: Facebook/@Gilang Zola

The problems don't stop there, Budi also often borrows Gilang's things. Including the hoodie which was originally only borrowed once but has been worn continuously until now.

Even more annoying, Budi always insisted on choosing a comfortable bed near the wall. Even though Gilang paid most of the housing costs.

"If it weren't for my friends in the village, I would have kicked him out," he said.

His story in the Facebook group Complaints about Ngampus (KKN) also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many advised Gilang to look for other friends or even move boarding houses. Because a burden like that is not worth maintaining.

"I didn't say anything about moving boarding houses. The reason was sudden work," said the account @azizah Ramadhani.

"You're better off moving to a boarding house as I say, rather than being burdened like that," wrote the account @Nabiel Abdul Kalau.

"EXIT, friend, what's wrong with that? If it doesn't feel good, brother, move to look for a new boarding house, it's better to do that than to feel sick, bro, when you're tired of work, you won't be able to come home calmly," said the account @hibram baihaki.

"My advice is to leave it alone, just live in your own boarding house. Don't worry about your little friend's name, if he's really your friend, he won't be a parasite on you," commented the account @Andy Iskandarr.

"Evict or not move to the boarding house, don't think about other people's feelings, don't be an unpleasant person. If you're still like that, your life will be ruined by yourself," wrote @ibra ibra.

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