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21 Februari 2016 11:00

Chinese offspring contribute to Indonesia in art, culture and military

This month the discussion topic was about Chinese offspring in Indonesia from different aspects—art, culture and military. Victoria Tunggono
Chinese offspring contribute to Indonesia in art, culture and military The writers of PBK/Mariska Vergina

Brilio.net/en - For the past three months since December 2015, Kompas Book Publisher (Penerbit Buku Kompas or PBK) has made a new monthly discussion program involving all writers and editorial staff. The writers here are authors who have published at least one book through PBK. The purpose of making this Kamisan gathering (because it is held every second Thursday of the month) is to make closer bond among writers and editors, as well to support and educate each other. Kompas has been famous for its reputation of 50 years in educating people through newspaper, books and television.

This month the discussion topic was about Chinese offspring in Indonesia from different aspectsart, culture and military. The purpose is to reintroduce Chinese people as one of the many ethnicities that exist in Indonesia. Myra Sidharta, author of Seribu Senyum dan Setetes Air Mata (A Thousand Of Smiles And A Drop Of Tear), columnist at The Jakarta Post and other Chinese-Malay literature, was the first speaker who shared her personal experience being born a Cina Totok (full-blooded) in Indonesia. The 89-year old woman stated that Cina Totok have a completely different habits and culture than the Chinese peranakan (half-blood or crossbred).

The second speaker was RM Daradjadi, a finance theory bachelor who wrote Geger Pacinan: Perang Tionghoa-Jawa Melawan VOC 1740-1743 that talks about the communion between Chinese and Javanese against VOC in the time of Indonesias independence, that is seldom mentioned in the history. The book highlights the good relationship between Javanese and Chinese half-breed in the past, which had become distant since the time of Orde Lama (the Old Order). He took references from Babad Pacina, Babad Kraton, Babad Kartasura, and Babad Tuturthe manuscripts written in Javanese.

In this discussion, Daradjadi shared some of his personal experiences as well as his study of the Chinese crossbred culture blend with Javanese especially in Surakarta (Solo), his hometown. The study involves the architectural style, art and culture, literature and wayang (puppetry) and batik (the traditional method for making pattern on cloths).

The last contributor was Didi Kwartanada, another Chinese half-breed who wrote A.R. Baswedan: Membangun Bangsa, Merajut Keindonesiaan. In the discussion he shared with the audience his ongoing book project about Chinese crossbred in Indonesian military. He is tracing the soldiers who have Chinese blood and proving to the nation how far the Chinese offspring would contribute to Indonesias security. Based on his research, we owe much to Chinese offspring who fought for Indonesia despite the obstacles of being born with Chinese blood.

The closed discussion was held at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Palmerah, on February 18, at 4-6 p.m and moderated by Imelda Bachtiar, author of Diaspora Indonesia-Bakti Untuk Negeriku. The discussion was attended by writers from different ethnicities, including Peter Carey, a British historian who spent his time to studying modern Indonesia history and wrote about Pangeran Diponegoro, the Javanese and Indonesian hero, in two books The Power of Prophecy: Prince Dipanagara and the End of an Old Order in Java, 17851855 and Destiny: The Life of Prince Diponegoro of Yogyakarta 17851855.

Imelda Bachtiar, RM Daradjadi, Didi Kwartanada, Myra Sidharta (Photo: A. Bobby Pr)

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