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7 Oktober 2016 15:28

One Boy's Honesty Got Him Banned For Life From His Fave Gaming Center

Some lessons are learned the hard way. Tony Febryanto

Brilio.net/en - Relationships between parents and their children are never easy, especially if you're a gamer, as one Facebook post by one such boy would show.

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"Sorry, friends. I admitted being a gamer to my mom, she got mad and now I've been banned from the internet cafe," Davi Arlan wrote.

Along with the text, he also uploaded an image of piece of paper put on at the internet cafe he usually frequents, which had a photo of him printed under the words "Banned permanent! As approved by parents of a boy named Arlan. NO ENTRY!!"

Arlan, however, remained undettered.

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"Perhaps, it's time to move to another game center," said the boy ended with #GamersNeverDie.

"You da man... being honest to your mom. It's alright boy, video game is nothing compared to your honesty to your parents," one commenter named Pri Yono said on the post.

"Relax kid, there are still so many game centers that will welcome a young talent like you," another user named Weda Oxy said.

"All you do is play PB [Point Blank] but you claim yourself a gamer. You nuts, huh :v It turns out his mother is a gamer as well and got you banned for only playingPB :v," said Romi Setiabudi.

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