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21 Juli 2016 19:07

Are you giving 100%? This workout from Dave Driskell will sort you out

Get ready for a journey to crazy fitness from the Bali man-machine.
Dave Driskell's instagram will make you hit the weights. via @davedriskell

Brilio.net/en - Trying to get fit or take your fitness to the next level? As the clock ticks down to Asia's first-ever Tough Mudder, we take a look at a workout from CrossFit and Instagram star David Driskell to help build teamwork, strength and endurance.

This absolute beast is the owner of Crossfit Wanderlust Baliand a brand ambassador for Tough Mudder who has more than 75,000 followers on his instagram account @davedriskell. Driskell gets thousands of like for photos and videos of himself working out (shirtless), along with meals, cool shots of Bali and inspirational quotes.

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His "100%" workout is just seven steps and will help you bond with your teammates and get in great shape. It's great for team buildingandkeys in on movements and other elements you willcome across at an event like Tough Mudder, where teamwork and strong partners are essential.

Get a partner, get motivated and get going!

Tough Mudder is on October 1-2 in Jimbaran, Bali. Plenty of time to train up.

The 6 overlooked benefits of team sports

100% Workout

Step 1: 100 burpees over the partner

via Pinterest/cynthyadelc

Your partner lays down, horizontally if you can't jump their body length. Plant your palms down over them and get your feet on the other side to form a bridge. Begin. Bring your feet over the partner every time. Like with all these exercises, just hit 100 and you've done your job. These burpees will stop you creeping up and cheating - even subconciously - on how far your bring your feet backwards and forwards. It'll also build trust with your partner, who can shout encouragement and pump you up from the ground.

Step 2: 100 partner wall balls

via sportsco.sg

Grab a medicine ball and line up facing the wall. One throws it and the other catches, and sends it back. Repeat 99 times. The balls cannot touch the ground. This helps build up your core strength as you tense to fire the ball out of your hand, and it'll work out your shoulders and you're whole arms. Don't forget to pop a squat as you catch the ball and to power yourself up for your throw. This whole body exercise will improve your coordination, strength, stamina and relationship with your partner. If you're not sure how to do it just check out this video:

Did we mention Dave's also a model? via Instagram/@davedriskell

Step 3: 100 Kettlebell swings

via mensfitness.com

This classic CrossFit exercise gets more intense as you build momentum from each swing. Men use a 24-kilo and women a 16-kilo kettlebell. Grab one, get you feet set, shoulders straight and start swinging. Grip the weight between your thighs and thrust forward with your glutes (butt muscles) to get the bell up to at least shoulder height. As it comes down bring your butt back to get ready for the next swing - otherwise it might hit part of you a bit too hard! Like the wall balls, this exercise if really fun. Make sure the bell never touches the ground.

Step 4: 100-meter partner wheelbarrow

via bodybuilding.com

Simple one here. You grab your partner's legs, hold them to your side and with their hands and your legs make a four-legged beast. One hundred meters each. If you're on the ground, you have to push yourself to keep your body up off the ground - if you're going down with your partner holding your legs, it means you're going down on your face. Tense your abs like you would for a plank to keep your body stable and in line with your shoulders. Standing partner, you need to keep your grip strong and your partner's legs low enough that they can move forward without reaching over their own head.

Just hanging. via Instagram/@davedriskell

Step 5: 100m partner carry

You can take a lot more weight than you think. via pjustin.com

Take turns and do 100 meters each on this one. Put your partner over your shoulder, in your arms, on your back piggyback style and march on forward. The key to this is not to stop - if you take a break that weight becomes 10 times heavier. If you keep going forward the added mass will build momentum that translates into speed. Work harder and it's over quicker.

Step 6: 100 medicine ball situps

These guys have got it down! via sharongayle.com

Teamwork at its finest! Interlock feet with your partner. Start down with one of you holding the ball up and away from your chest. Bring yourself up with your abs and throw the ball to your partner for a rep. Throw the ball back and forth with your partner, passing it for each sit-up. There's nothing like catching a ball to get you to put in that extra effort. The ball should not touch the ground when you go down.

Working out at Wanderlust. via Instagram/@davedriskell

Step 7: 100 pull ups

via awma.com

The final stage. Grip a bar over your head so that you're hanging off the ground. Your partner helps you lift yourself up by holding on to your feet. That way you can push down on their hands to help yourself get up. Get your chin up to the bar for one pull-up and lower yourself down steadily. This exercise is insanely good for you and easy to do once you get used to it. Remember: practice makes perfect and use energy from your whole body, especially your core. One hundred each.

Do these steps and you'll be well on your way to tearing up the Bali mud come October. Go team!

Keep it up and you can look like this. via @davedriskell

Brilio is also running an Instagram competition and giving away free tickets for Tough Mudder! Check out the competition here.

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