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26 Februari 2024 20:11

Anti-hassle club, you can pay vehicle tax via BRImo

So, have you paid your vehicle tax this year? Don't miss it! Dwiyana Pangesthi
Anti-hassle club, you can pay vehicle tax via BRImo Foto: shutterstock.com

Brilio.net - Not only maintaining the vehicle and also extending the driving license (SIM), vehicle owners are also required to pay taxes. This tax payment is usually made once a year.

So, have you paid your vehicle tax this year? Don't miss it!

In the past, the process of paying vehicle tax had to be done directly at the local Samsat office. This is the reason why most people are lazy or lazy to move because of the hassle of queuing at Samsat. As a result, there are also those who are late because they delay payments.

For those of you who are against the hassle of clubs, don't worry! No need to go to Samsat to pay taxes now, you can just use your smartphone! BRI provides convenience with STNK tax payment services via the BRImo application.

However, before paying taxes at BRImo, you need to install and log in to the SIGNAL application first. The SIGNAL application is an official application from Korlantas Polri which makes it easier to pay vehicle tax online.

The SIGNAL application utilizes the POLRI's motor vehicle database. This database is integrated with the database of the Director General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs and the motor vehicle tax information system of each provincial Bapenda.

Currently there are 15 regions that can use this method, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten, West Nusa Tenggara, Riau, Southeast Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, Bali and the Riau Islands.

Advantages of Paying Vehicle Tax Via BRImo

Photo: shutterstock.com

The following are several advantages of paying annual vehicle tax via the BRImo and SIGNAL applications:

  • Easy and Practical: Paying taxes can be done anytime and anywhere.
  • Save Time and Costs: No need to queue at Samsat, so you save time and transportation costs.
  • Safe and Secure: Vehicle data and tax information is guaranteed safe.
  • Affordable: Affordable admin fees.

How to Pay Vehicle Tax Via BRImo

Are you curious about how to pay vehicle tax via BRImo? The following are the steps and explanation of how to pay motor vehicle tax via BRImo.

Before paying the annual tax for your motor vehicle, make sure to get the payment code via the SIGNAL application first.

How to Get Payment Code Via SIGNAL Application:

  1. Make sure you have a SIGNAL account and install the application.
  2. Register the vehicle if it is not already registered.
  3. Get the payment code on SIGNAL and pay via BRImo.

After getting the payment code from the SIGNAL application, now it is your turn to pay your annual motor vehicle tax via the BRImo application.

How to Pay Via BRImo:

Photo: shutterstock.com

Follow these steps to pay motor vehicle tax via the BRImo application:

  1. Login to BRImo.
  2. Select the Bills menu then Signal.
  3. Select Region and Enter the payment code obtained from the SIGNAL application.
  4. Confirm the transaction by entering the PIN.
  5. Transaction successful.

Paying annual vehicle tax now no longer requires the hassle of coming to Samsat and queuing for a long time. With BRImo and SIGNAL, you can pay vehicle tax easily and practically just from your smartphone.

Paying vehicle tax on time is a manifestation of our responsibility as good citizens. The taxes we pay will be used for community development and welfare.

Therefore, let's take advantage of the convenience offered by BRImo and SIGNAL to pay vehicle tax on time. There are no more excuses for being late in paying your annual STNK tax.

So, immediately download BRImo via the App Store, Play Store and Huawei AppGallery right now.

For complete information, you can follow Instagram @bankbri_id . BRImo is easier and more versatile!

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