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9 Agustus 2024 10:45

An example of a power of attorney for a degree, complete with the correct format and how to make it

The writing format, the use of formal language, as well as the signatures of both parties are key elements in the power of attorney. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
An example of a power of attorney for a degree, complete with the correct format and how to make it

Brilio.net - A diploma is an important document that proves a person's graduation from a certain level of education. The process of collecting a diploma usually has to be done by the owner directly. However, in certain situations, a power of attorney to collect a diploma is a solution when the owner cannot collect the valuable document himself.

A power of attorney for taking a diploma is an official document that authorizes a person to act on behalf of the principal in taking a diploma. This document must contain complete information about the principal, the person receiving the power of attorney, and the purpose of the power of attorney.

A good example of a power of attorney for taking a diploma will include the personal data of both parties, the diploma number, and a statement of granting power of attorney clearly and unambiguously. The creation of a power of attorney for taking a diploma needs to pay attention to several important things so that it is legally valid. The writing format, use of formal language, and the signatures of both parties are key elements in a power of attorney.

So, this article will present a complete example of a power of attorney for taking a diploma along with an explanation of each section to make it easier for readers to create similar documents. The following is an example of a power of attorney for taking a diploma, complete with an explanation that brilio.net has adapted from various sources, Friday (9/8)

Definition of authorization letter for obtaining a diploma.

photo: freepik.com

A power of attorney for taking a diploma is an official document that grants authority or power to a person (the power of attorney) to act on behalf of another person (the principal) in the process of taking a diploma. This document has binding legal force and allows the principal to take the diploma of the principal at the relevant educational institution.

A power of attorney for diploma collection serves as written evidence that the grantor has given permission and authority to another party to collect his/her diploma. Its main purpose is to facilitate the collection of diplomas when the original owner cannot be present in person for various reasons, such as illness, being out of town, or having other urgent needs. This document ensures that the diploma collection process can still be carried out legally and legitimately, even though it is not by the original owner.

An important component of the authorization letter for obtaining a diploma.

The power of attorney for collecting a diploma must contain several important components to ensure its validity, namely:

- Complete identity of the grantor of power of attorney (name, address, identity number)

- Identity of the recipient of the power of attorney

- A clear and specific statement of authorization

- The purpose of granting power of attorney (in this case to obtain a diploma)

- Detailed information about the diploma to be taken (such as level of education, year of graduation, diploma number if any), as well as signatures of both parties and witnesses if necessary.

The power of attorney for taking a diploma has legal force as long as it is made in accordance with applicable provisions. Although it does not always require notary approval, some educational institutions may have additional requirements, such as approval by an authorized official or the use of a stamp. The legal force of this letter lies in the educational institution's recognition of the authority granted to the recipient of the power of attorney.

In its use, the power of attorney for taking a diploma must be accompanied by other supporting documents such as photocopies of the identity of the giver and the recipient of the power of attorney. When taking the diploma, the recipient of the power of attorney must bring the original power of attorney along with the supporting documents.

Some institutions may have additional verification procedures, such as telephone confirmation to the principal or checking the alumni database. The principal must be prepared to follow the procedures set by the institution and answer any questions that may be asked regarding the power of attorney.

Example of authorization letter for obtaining a diploma.

photo: freepik.com


The undersigned below:

Student Name : ......................
NIM : .......................
Place and date of birth : ..............
Study program : .......................
Faculty : ........................
Address : .........................

Hereinafter referred to as the Grantor of Power of Attorney.
Give full authority to:

Name : ..................
NIK*) : ......................
Place and date of birth : ...........................
Address : .........................

Hereinafter referred to as the Power of Attorney.

To take care of collecting the Authorizer's original diploma along with complete graduation certificates
other matters issued by .... (Related Educational Institution). Matters resulting from the transfer of this Power of Attorney will be fully borne by the party

Thus, we have made this Power of Attorney truly without any coercion from any party and to be used properly.

Yogyakarta, August 8, 2024

Power of Attorney Grantor

6000 stamp

............... ..............

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