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16 September 2024 10:30

An example of a correct short sales and purchase negotiation text, accompanied by an explanation and structure.

Negotiation is an important part of everyday life, especially in the context of buying and selling. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Negotiation is an important part of everyday life, especially in the context of buying and selling. This process allows both parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. In the business world, good negotiation skills can determine the success of a transaction and a long-term relationship between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, understanding the meaning and structure of a buying and selling negotiation text is very important.

Negotiations for buying and selling do not only occur in traditional markets or physical stores, but also on online platforms. With the development of technology, negotiations can now be done through various media such as email, chat, or telephone. Although the media used are different, the basic principle of negotiation remains the same: reaching an agreement that satisfies both parties. This article will discuss the definition, structure, and provide examples of correct short negotiation texts for buying and selling.

Understanding the structure of a sales negotiation text can help in developing a strong and effective argument. A good structure will facilitate the negotiation process and increase the chances of reaching an agreement. In addition, the examples of negotiation texts included in this article can be a practical reference in real situations. Thus, readers can be more prepared and confident in conducting sales negotiations.

Definition of negotiation text

Negotiation is an essential form of communication in commercial transactions, where the seller and the buyer interact to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. This process involves in-depth discussions on various aspects of the transaction, such as price, quantity of goods, and other terms. The main goal of this negotiation is to find a common ground that satisfies both parties, so that the transaction can proceed smoothly and fairly.

In a sales negotiation, bargaining is a key element that determines the final outcome of the transaction. The seller will usually start with a higher price, while the buyer will offer a lower price. Through a series of offers and counter-offers, both parties try to reach a price that is acceptable to both. In addition to price, other aspects such as delivery time, payment method, and product warranty are also often discussed in this negotiation.

The success of a sales negotiation depends heavily on the communication skills and strategies used by both parties. The seller must be able to explain the value and benefits of their product, while the buyer needs to articulate their needs and budget constraints. With the right approach, negotiations can result in a deal that is not only financially beneficial, but also builds a positive and sustainable business relationship.

Negotiation text structure

The structure of the negotiation text that you can find out is as follows:

  1. Opening : This section contains the opening greeting and self-introduction. The goal is to create a friendly and open atmosphere.
  2. Submission of Offer : The seller or buyer submits an initial offer, whether it be price, quantity of goods, or other terms.
  3. Bargaining : Both parties provide arguments and counter-offers to reach the desired agreement.
  4. Agreement : After going through a process of bargaining, both parties reached a satisfactory agreement.
  5. Closing : This section contains words of thanks and closing greetings.

Well, if you want to know more, you can see an example of a short sales negotiation text that brilio.net has collected from various sources Friday (13/9). Come on, see the example.

Example of short sale and purchase negotiation text

Example 1: Negotiation in a Traditional Market - Seller : "Good afternoon, ma'am. Please take a look around. Can I help you?" - Buyer : "Good afternoon. I'm interested in this mango. How much is it per kilogram?" - Seller : "The price is Rp 25,000 per kilogram, ma'am." - Buyer : "Can you give me less, sir? How about Rp 20,000 per kilogram?" - Seller : "Wow, if that's the case, I'll lose out, ma'am. How about Rp 23,000 per kilogram?" - Buyer : "Okay, I'll take 2 kilograms."

Example 2: Negotiation in a Clothing Store - Seller : "Welcome, how can I help you?" - Buyer : "I'm interested in this jacket. How much is it?" - Seller : "The price is Rp. 350,000." - Buyer : "Can you make it less, Sir? How about Rp. 300,000?" - Seller : "Rp. 300,000 is too cheap, Miss. How about Rp. 320,000?" - Buyer : "Okay, I'll take it."

Example 3: Negotiation in an Electronics Store - Seller : "Good afternoon, how can I help you?" - Buyer : "I want to buy this laptop. How much is it?" - Seller : "The price is Rp 7,000,000." - Buyer : "Can I make it less, sir? How about Rp 6,500,000?" - Seller : "If it's that much, I'll lose, sir. How about Rp 6,800,000?" - Buyer : "Okay, I agree."

Example 4: Negotiation in Online Market - Seller : "Welcome to our store. How can I help you?" - Buyer : "I'm interested in this product. How much is it?" - Seller : "The price is Rp 150,000." - Buyer : "Can I make it less, Sis? How about Rp 130,000?" - Seller : "If Rp 130,000 is too cheap, Sis. How about Rp 140,000?" - Buyer : "Okay, I'll take it."

Example 5: Negotiation in a Bookstore - Seller : "Welcome, how can I help you?" - Buyer : "I want to buy this book. How much is it?" - Seller : "The price is Rp 80,000." - Buyer : "Can I make it less, Miss? How about Rp 70,000?" - Seller : "Rp 70,000 is too cheap, Sir. How about Rp 75,000?" - Buyer : "Okay, I agree."

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