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6 Juli 2024 23:00

Although a spender of money, the moment a girl is suddenly appointed as a director by her mother is envious

It's like the stories in soap operas. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Sometimes, many people want to live with privileges. This will give him easier access or a greater opportunity to achieve something. These benefits can be economic, social, and cultural or political. Often these advantages are passed from one generation to the next.

That's what this girl felt. He admitted that he often spent his parents' money, but instead he received privileges because he was born into that family. Reported by brilio.net , Saturday (6/7), the story can be seen via the TikTok video uploaded by the account @vitamineby.

The owner of the @vitaminby account said that even though he often spent money, his parents never scolded him at all. It's natural that this girl named Rebbi was so surprised when she got a message from her mother. The message in the form of a PDF file sent via WhatsApp turned out to be a Decree (SK) appointing him as director.

photo: TikTok/@vitaminby

It is known that the company called PD Terang Jaya is managed by his family. The mother asked Rebbi to first understand the contents of the decree. However, Rebbi didn't seem to believe that he was suddenly appointed director.

"Please understand first, ma'am director," said his mother.

"Did you send it wrong?" said the child doubtfully.

However, his mother continued to assure him that it was true that Rebbi had now officially become a director. This was done because Rebbi often spent money. Considering continuing to ask, he must know how difficult it is to earn a living.

"The trustworthy one, Geulis," said his mother.

photo: TikTok/@vitaminby

In the decree it was written that Rebbi was appointed as a member of the board of directors with the position of director for the future. His term of office will last for three years from the date of determination stated in the decree.

"Appointing Brother (i) Rebbi Alya Awabi as Member of the Company's Board of Directors, with the position of Director, for the next term of office," was written in the decree.

photo: TikTok/@vitaminby

Rebbi's story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many people feel jealous because it was so easy for him to get a high-end position. This is like a scenario in a soap opera . Apart from that, netizens can only lament their fate in the comments column.

"Told to work hard, so when I get home from work I'm already dizzy, so I don't have the energy to spend money hahaha," said the account @rasgnromutis.

"Hahaha, it's really delicious, I spent my mother's money, I'm sure I'll immediately cult that person, cosplay as Mamah Grandpa," wrote the account @oktvskaml.

"That's a sign that your mother has entrusted you with a big responsibility, sis, so be trustworthy," said the account @kharis_4z1z.

"In order to repent and not be wasteful, that's why his mother appointed him, if only our lives were as lucky as Thoriq's," said @Iyan_j1september.

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