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8 Juni 2024 00:56

After her story went viral, Sopyah, an Indramayu girl who disguised herself as a man to work as a coolie, is now harvesting donations

The choice to work as a porter was made because Sopyah didn't have the money to rent a boarding room. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Recently a girl named Sopyah from Indramayu, West Java went viral . He lives as a backbone to support his younger brother. Because of this, the woman chose to work as a construction worker.

However, because she was a woman, many did not want to use her energy. Because of this, Sopyah changed her appearance to look like a man. That way, he can survive. His story then received attention, so many people wanted to provide assistance to him.

In her statement on Deddy Corbuzier's podcast, the woman admitted that being a construction worker was not an easy thing. Never mind the hard work, the pay you get is not too much. So he was forced to live a mediocre life.

Sopyah even admitted that in the midst of difficult life, she and her younger brother (Samsul) had slept in a grave . Because he no longer has any family except his younger brother. This choice was made because Sopyah did not have the money to rent a boarding room.

"I don't have a house, I live. In a cemetery. On top of a grave. I only use a mat," reported brilio.net from YouTube Deddy Corbuzier.

photo: YouTube/Deddy Corbuzier

After his story went viral, many people immediately provided assistance to him. One of them is the Indramayu Regency Education Office. They encouraged the two brothers to continue their education. Apart from that, Disdik will also try to get Samsul's younger brother to get a scholarship. Meanwhile Sopyah will fight through package c.

Apart from the Education Department, the Regent of Indramayu also intervened in responding to the viral Sopyah. Through the Indramayu sub-district head, the regent has provided basic food assistance from the Social Service. Apart from that, Sopyah will also be given capital to be able to open a business around her house.

photo: diskominfo.indramayukab.go.id

"The Regent of Indramayu has been providing various assistance to Sopyah for a long time. We also offered types of business that Sopyah could do. After thinking about it, Sopyah finally chose to trade around her house. So we have been providing assistance from the first," said Indra Mulyana as Head of Indramayu District, as reported by Diskominfo. .indramayukab.go.id on Friday (7/6).

Not only that, help came again through the Indramayu Police. The Indramayu Police Chief immediately visited the girl's residence and gave her a gift in the form of a cart of sweet iced tea so she could sell it.

"The police chief was very impressed with Sopyah's struggle and raised funds through charity actions to help them. The iced tea cart accompanied by equipment and raw materials was immediately handed over to Sopyah," quoted from the humas.polri.go.id page.

photo: humas.polri.go.id

And the girl received a lot of other assistance. Before the Police, the Indramayu Police also delivered compensation in the form of basic necessities. AKP Indrie Hapsari as police chief said that he was concerned about the girl's condition.

"We are concerned about their condition. This assistance is one of our ways to lighten their burden," said AKP Suprihati Setyaningsih accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of the Indramayu Police, Iptu Junata.

photo: humas.polri.go.id

Finally, help came from Deddy Corbuzier. In his podcast, Deddy asked what Sopyah wanted now. Sopyah answered that she aspired to open a business in her home area. Deddy then provided capital by mentioning the figure Rp. 9 million.

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