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30 Maret 2024 12:00

Adhering to the minimalist concept, these 9 portraits of Angela Gilsha's room only have 1 cupboard without a walk-in closet

Angela Gilsha actually chose the smallest room to be used as a private room. Ferra Listianti
Adhering to the minimalist concept, these 9 portraits of Angela Gilsha's room only have 1 cupboard without a walk-in closet

Brilio.net - Different from other celebrities who often display luxury, Angela Gilsha actually adheres to a minimalist concept. Instead of showing off his wealth, this soap opera actor who was close to Mischa Chandrawinata chose a lifestyle that was not excessive. This is also reflected in the portrait of the residence.

In his new house, which he has only lived in for the past year, it looks comfortable without much furniture. Interestingly, the two-story house is equipped with a garden on each floor . Including the part of the room that is adjacent to the garden like a mini forest.

When showing her part of the room, Bara Valentino, this young model and actress, was amazed. The reason is, Angela Gilsha actually chose the smallest room to be used as a private room. Apart from that, this room is also not equipped with a walk-in closet. There is only one cupboard to store his clothing collection .

Come on, take a look at brilio.net's summary from YouTube BARA VALENTINO on Saturday (30/3), a portrait of Angela Gilsha's room.

1. Having lived in a boarding house and rented a house, now Angela Gilsha is happy to have succeeded in realizing her dream of having her own house.

2. The two-story house he lives in also has a mini garden on each floor, including in his room.

3. Next to his room, this is what a small garden full of plants looks like. Looks like a mini forest, right?

4. According to Angela Gilsha, she will take care of her plant collection until it can spread all over the walls.

5. So, this is what Angela Gilsha's private room looks like. He chose the smallest room in his house.

6. This room is only equipped with a mattress, a dressing table that is attached to the wall, and only one cupboard.

7. Even so, it feels very comfortable and cool because it is next to a mini park.

8. Bara Valentino, this young model and soap opera actor, was amazed when he saw the entire contents of Angela Gilsha's room.

9. Instead of having a walk in closet, Angela Gilsha only has 1 cupboard to store all her clothes.

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