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5 November 2015 20:00

Accessories made from cocoons are the height of fashion in Jogja

This accessory is made from Cocoons coming from mahogany, sour-sop and cashew nut trees. Ines Faradina

Brilio.net/en - When you think of a cocoon, the first thing that comes to mind is a butterfly and the long, arduous process in which a caterpillar transforms itself into something beautiful.

However, a gallery in Jogja that has been around since the early 2000s has a much different idea of cocoons. In fact, they see cocoons as the prime material for works of art -- stunning decorative crafts -- that can transform your living space or your fashion into something as beautiful as butterflies.

Their Yarsilk brand of cocoon crafts make use of cocoons taken from mahogany, sour-sop, and cashew nut trees, to name a few. The products include brooches or corsages, table clothes, lamp cups, scarfs and others. These products made from cocoons are very durable. For example, a dirty brooch can be washed and softly brushed and it looks as good as new, said Sari, one of Yasilks employees, in an interview with brilio.net/en.

The products found in the Yarsilk gallery are intriguing and wonderfully creative. For example, even though a cocoons original color is golden yellow, the Yarsilk line features dyed cocoons of bright red and blue used to make the brooch and corsage products. Sari explained their process: Before we dye them, we boil the cocoons in water that contains liquid textile colors, and then we dry and string the cocoons.

The Yarsilk gallery dazzles the visitor with its kaleidoscope of colors and fascinating cocoon shapes. It is a must-see if you are visiting Jogja.

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