- Geckos are one of the reptiles that are often found in homes, especially on ceilings and walls. These blackish-brown animals sometimes crawl in the kitchen, which can disrupt food hygiene. The risk of contamination from gecko droppings is certainly very disturbing. Catching geckos by hand is not an easy task, so many people choose to make traps.
Instead of using chemicals, some people prefer to use kitchen ingredients as bait, such as coffee or sugar. By putting this bait in a trap and leaving it overnight, the lizard can be caught. However, if you don't want to reduce your coffee or sugar supply, there are other alternatives you can try . One of these methods was shared by YouTube user Pas Guna.
He replaced the bait in the lizard trap with white rice. So how did he do it?
First, prepare a jar or container as a trap. In the video, this netizen uses a medium-sized plastic jar. Once done, grease the inside of the jar with cooking oil.
"This is so that the geckos that have entered the jar can no longer climb out because it is slippery," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Pas Guna on Monday (6/1).
photo: YouTube/Pas Guna
Once it feels even, put the bait in the middle of the jar. For the bait, put white rice in a small bowl. It doesn't have to be new, you can use the leftover rice from last night.
"Just put the dried rice there. The geckos will also be attracted if there is food," he said.
photo: YouTube/Pas Guna
Place the trap in places where geckos often land, for example in the kitchen area right next to the rice cooker.
photo: YouTube/Pas Guna
After being left overnight, the lizard trap finally yielded results. In the video, there are already several lizards trapped inside the jar.
"Yes, the result is that the gecko is still alive in the trap. Just throw it outside," he said.
photo: YouTube/Pas Guna
How, it turns out it's easy to make a gecko trap, right? The upload on how to make a gecko trap has been watched more than 90 thousand times. It's no wonder that many other YouTube users have also given direct responses in the comments column of the video.
"Thank you for the knowledge, bro, matursuwun," wrote the YouTube account @bsmponsel7734.
"Thank you for the knowledge, hopefully it is useful and blessed," said the YouTube account @kholilmuttaqin.
"Thank you for the knowledge, sir," said the YouTube account @opitechannel.
"Thanks for the tutorial, I will try it," said the YouTube account @wahyuwidodo5115.
"Alhamdulillah, I got cheap and cheerful gecko trap knowledge, thanks," said the YouTube account @Suharyati.