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27 Februari 2016 15:00

A Philippines woman created a lamp fueled by salt water

Her lamp creation can provide light for millions of people for a very affordable price. Victoria Tunggono
© 2016 bantushare

Brilio.net/en - Many of Southeast Asian countries have been experiencing electricity shortages for a while. The following countries still have a lot of people who cannot enjoy electricity, which are 63 million of population from Indonesia, 26 million from Myanmar, 10 million from Cambodia, 8 million from Thailand, 2 million from Vietnam, 2.2 million from Laos and 200,000 from Malaysia.

Aisa Mijeno from Philippines had a dream to provide light to homes that need. She joined a social project and with the ability of a technician she created an amazing new type of lamp. Her lamp creation can provide light for millions of people for a very affordable price. With her lamp people wont have to walk hundreds of kilometers to get fuel to light up the lamp or wood to make fire.

Mijeno lived with the Butbut tribe in Buscalan, Kalinga, Philippines in 2011 and maintain a good relationship with them. The tribe didnt have access to electricity and had to make a 12 hours journey to Bontoc, which is 50 kilometers away, in order to get kerosene to fuel the village lamps.

From the experience and adversity she had an idea to create Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) that doesnt need battery or other power sources. The lamp is powered only by salt and water. The light intensity is already brighter than 7 candles or a low-wattage LED lamp. The device can even charge a cellphone battery using USB cable.

When she was in high school, Mijeno had done an experiment using lemons to produce electricity. Now she replaced the lemon with salty water to make the SALt project. Her creation is also reducing the use of kerosene that had been the major source of air pollution.

A unit of SALt device is going for USD 35 and can last for 10-11 years. Even though it works well SALt is not yet produced in mass numbers due to the lack of initial planning for the device in its process of production. With several improvements, SALt can make a significant change in the village life, especially for brightening the nights of millions houses.

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