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18 Agustus 2016 17:03

Heartwarming Story Of Amputee Flag-Raiser

Silvi Olivia lost her leg in an accident while training for Independence Day. Victoria Tunggono

Brilio.net/en - It is a huge honor to be chosen for aPasukan Pengibar Bendera (Paskibra), or flag-raising, team for Indonesia's Independence Day. Paskibra all around the country werepractising and preparing for the big day well in advance, but one girl had to sayon August 17, but one particular flag raiser had to say goodbye to her dream forever.

On August 4, the Paskibra team from public junior high school SMPN 1 Mojowarno in Jombang, East Java, was crossing a main road while doing their practice routinewhen a truck came barrelling towards them with the driver onhis cellphone. He didnt see the students and lost control of his vehicle. Eleven students were injured but worst off wasSilvi Olivia, whose left leghad to be amputated.

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According to Mohammad Hafid, a teacher from the school, the 14-year-old is a brilliant, cheerful girl who is active in school leadership organization (OSIS) and extracurricular programs.

She has good academic and is high spirited in studying, hetold brilio.net.

On Independence Day, Silvi came to the ceremony at the Mojowarno Field as a guest of honor. She sat on a wheelchair pushed by her parents, wearing her white Paskibra uniform and a big smile.

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Inyaroh, who took part in the ceremony, saisshe remains in high spirits and always smiles. Those of us who sawwere touched and often hadtears in oureyes.

A brave role model for other young girls.

Bravo, Silvi, dont ever give up!

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