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24 Februari 2024 18:00

9 This portrait of the prayer room in Rossa's house is equipped with a Kaaba kiswah, the view is directly from the mini garden

Rossa received the Kaaba kiswah from one of her friends. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: YouTube/Taulany TV

Brilio.net - Starting her career in 1988, Rossa has successfully maintained her existence as a singer even though many young stars have emerged. Not only in Indonesia, this mother of one child is also spreading her wings in other countries. He proved this through his collaboration with the South Korean idol company, namely SM Entertainment.

Decades of career as a singer, not only popularity and awards he won. As one of the top singers, Rossa also has a dream house that she built with the results of her hard work. This woman, who is familiarly called Oca, admitted that she prefers to stay at home to spend her free time.

It's not surprising that Rossa designed every corner of her house to be as comfortable as possible. Starting from the front area, living room, kitchen, family room, to the bathroom, it is spacious and luxurious. Not only that, the singer of the song Tegar also built a fairly large prayer room.

This prayer room is one of the most comfortable places for Rossa to perform worship or hold recitations with her relatives. The Rossa prayer room feels special because it has a piece of the Kaaba kiswah with beautiful calligraphy carvings. Kiswah Kaaba is the name for the cloth covering the Kaaba which is changed once a year, exactly on 1 Muharram.

So that you don't get even more curious, let's look at a series of portraits of Rossa's prayer room which is equipped with the Kiswah of the Kaaba and has a direct view of the mini garden, summarized by brilio.net from the Taulany TV YouTube channel, Saturday (24/2).

1. Rossa made her prayer room quite spacious on the second floor. This is the room before climbing the stairs to the prayer room.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

2. Before going up to the prayer room, you have to pass through the family room which is connected to the swimming pool and mini garden.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

3. This prayer room is quite simple, but gives a comfortable impression and is equipped with prayer equipment and several Korans.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

4. Like the design of her house which has a modern tropical concept, Rossa also made her prayer room with a similar concept. This is the view when you are in the prayer room.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

5. The prayer room does not have a mihrab, but there is main calligraphy which indicates the direction of the Qibla.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

6. Not only is the calligraphy inscribed with Allah's name, there is also the Kiswah of the Kaaba which is placed in the direction of the Qibla next to the engraving of Allah's name in golden shades. It is known that the kiswah was a gift from a friend.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

7. Apart from that, the walls of the prayer room are painted in simple white with two calligraphic decorations of the names Allah and Muhammad in Arabic. The calligraphy decoration is dominated by gold and black.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

8. This is what the Rossa prayer room looks like, which is quite spacious and equipped with a kiswah, the atmosphere makes it comfortable to linger there.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

9. This prayer room is often used as a place for children to learn to recite the Koran. Not infrequently, Rossa also invites her colleagues to the prayer room to pray or just enjoy the cool atmosphere.

photo: YouTube/Taulany TV

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