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24 April 2024 16:20

9 The moment when the president & vice president of the Republic of Indonesia were elected, Prabowo Subianto hugged 'anxiously' Anies Baswedan

This event took place at the Indonesian KPU Building. Khansa Nabilah
9 The moment when the president & vice president of the Republic of Indonesia were elected, Prabowo Subianto hugged 'anxiously' Anies Baswedan foto: YouTube/KPU RI

Brilio.net - Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka were officially appointed as president and vice president-elect by the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU). This determination was announced by the Indonesian KPU through an open plenary meeting mechanism which was held on Wednesday (24/4). During the meeting, the Indonesian KPU read out the decision letter (SK) of the elected president and vice president.

This decision was also made after the Constitutional Court's decision (MK decision) rejected the lawsuit over the general election results dispute (PHPU) or the 2024 presidential election dispute filed by Anies-Muhaimin and Ganjar-Mahfud. In the plenary meeting, the KPU invited all pairs of candidates participating in the 2024 presidential election, including the general chairs of political parties.

The plenary was attended by the president and vice president-elect, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Candidate pair number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar were also present. Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD did not appear to attend the meeting.

Prabowo and Gibran were seen attending wearing white shirts. Meanwhile Anies and Muhaimin wore suits. With this determination, Prabowo and Gibran will later be inaugurated as president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. Here, brilio.net collects moments from the KPU plenary meeting to determine the 2024 President-Vice President elect from the Indonesian KPU YouTube channel on Wednesday (24/4).

1. Prabowo and Gibran look compact wearing white shirts with black trousers. Both of them were seen accompanied by the Winning Team for Candidate Pair 2.

2. The open plenary meeting was also attended by Titiek Soeharto as Prabowo Subianto's ex-wife.

3. With this meeting, Prabowo and Gibran were appointed as elected president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2024 presidential election.

4. After this determination, Prabowo and Gibran appeared to greet Anies and Muhaimin. They were seen chatting after the dispute over the 2024 presidential election.

5. The inauguration of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia will be held on October 22 2024.

6. Based on the votes obtained in the 2024 presidential election, Prabowo-Gibran managed to get 58.59 percent of the votes or 96,214,619 million.

7. In his speech, Prabowo hopes that leaders must work together and collaborate to bring goodness and prosperity.

8. After the speech, Prabowo and Gibran again greeted Anies and Muhaimin. Prabowo was seen hugging and shaking Anies excitedly. Anies was seen laughing and chatting for a moment with Prabowo in response.

9. The KPU plenary meeting which was held at the Republic of Indonesia KPU Building closed with a joint prayer.

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