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14 April 2024 18:00

9 Portrait of Aurel Hermansyah's daughter Ameena's playground, with the feel of a coffee shop and boutique

This playground has quite complete play facilities for Ameena. Ida Setyaningsih
9 Portrait of Aurel Hermansyah's daughter Ameena's playground, with the feel of a coffee shop and boutique foto: Instagram/@aurelie.hermansyah

Brilio.net - Since marrying Aurel Hermansyah, Atta has brought his wife to live with him in a luxury house in the Jakarta area. Their second household is now blessed with two children. Atta and Aurel have prepared a more magnificent residence for their small family with an industrial concept.

The residence was built for Ameena and Azura . Apart from that, this luxurious building is certainly a manifestation of the success that Atta and Aurel have achieved while working in the world of entertainment.

This house is equipped with luxury facilities such as an elevator and others. To make his children comfortable and at home, he also built a large playground. Especially for Ameena who is now 2 years old. It looks like Ameena's playground has a coffee shop and boutique concept.

Come on, take a peek at 9 portraits of Aurel Hermansyah's daughter Ameena's playground. As compiled by brilio.net from YouTube/The Atta Family, Sunday (14/4).

1. This is a photo of Ameena's playground before it is filled with toys. Even though it's still empty, it looks spacious, right?

2. Well, here's a photo when it's filled with toys and other equipment.

3. This playground consists of two floors with shades of pink and white.

4. Atta said that Ameena's playground has a coffee shop and boutique concept.

5. So that on the first floor there are tables and chairs like in a cafe.

6. There is also a karaoke place for Ameena to practice singing.

7. Then there are also a variety of Ameena's favorite dolls.

8. There are also toys that are replicas of items from minimarkets.

9. Meanwhile, on the second floor there are sports toys such as golf clubs and others.

That's a portrait of Atta Halilintar's child Ameena's playground which looks spacious and cozy. Atta Halilintar is known as a successful YouTuber and singer.

He is the eldest child of Gen Halilintar. He admitted that when he was little, his family did not have a permanent home and were always on business trips to various countries. However, according to him, this is not a problem.

Unlike now, Atta prefers to live in Jakarta with his family. As a form of gratitude, he also rebuilt the house with complete facilities such as a basement and a bridge inside the house inspired by Pondok Indah Mall.

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