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20 Maret 2024 18:45

80 beautiful words in Indonesian that are rarely known

Beautiful words like these, although rarely used, can add color and richness to speaking or writing. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - Beautiful words in Indonesian have the power to touch hearts and inspire. However, sometimes there are some words or phrases that are rarely used, but have deep meaning.

One example is "serene", this word is often used to express deep feelings, in the context of natural beauty or spiritual experiences. Even though it is rarely heard, this word has a rich meaning that can enrich our expressions.

Beautiful words that are rarely used can also enrich works of literature and art. Writers, poets, and artists often seek out unique and rarely heard words to create original and interesting works. By knowing rarely known words, one can better appreciate and understand works of art created with those words.

The use of beautiful, little-known words can be a way to preserve cultural and linguistic heritage. By continuing to use words that may be in danger of becoming extinct or forgotten, we can help maintain linguistic diversity and prevent cultural decline. In this way, these words not only become part of our vocabulary, but also become part of the cultural heritage that we pass on to future generations.

Beautiful words like these, although rarely used, can add color and richness to speaking or writing. By understanding and using little-known words, we can express thoughts and feelings more richly and deeply.

Summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Wednesday (20/3), here are 80 beautiful words in Indonesian that are rarely known.

Beautiful words in Indonesian that are rarely known

photo: freepik.com

1. Refraction: Refraction of light as it passes through different media.

2. Disabled: People who have physical or mental limitations.

3. Synesthesia: A sensory experience in which one sense triggers sensations in another sense.

4. Ephemeral: Something that is temporary or lasts for a while.

5. Ekphrasis: A detailed description or in-depth depiction of an object, usually a work of art.

6. Exigency: Critical or sharp nature in feeling or understanding things.

7. Inertia: Failure to change or move from the current state.

8. Platonic: Related to the concept of ideal or love without physical desires.

9. Esoteric: Knowledge or understanding that only a few people have.

10. Peripatetic: Pertaining to walking or wandering from one place to another.

11. Juxtaposition: The placing of two contradictory or opposite things together for a contrasting effect.

12. Proclastination: The tendency to procrastinate or put off work.

13. Luminescence: The ability of an object to emit light without heat.

14. Solipsism: Philosophy which states that only oneself can be certain of one's existence.

15. Perspicuity: Openness and clarity in expression or understanding.

16. Zenit: The peak or highest point in something.

17. Paradox: A contradictory statement that may contain some truth.

18. Empathic: The ability to feel or understand another person's feelings.

19. Harakiri: The act of ritual suicide by thrusting a sword into the stomach.

20. Expatiation: The process of healing through deeper reflection or understanding.

Beautiful words in Indonesian happy and clear

photo: freepik.com

21. Orange: A warm yellowish orange color.

22. Clear: Clear and transparent, especially water or liquid.

23. Soft: Smooth and comfortable to the touch.

24. Flame: Light emitted from a fire or heat source.

25. Carefree: Happy and full of cheerfulness.

26. Melodious: A sound that is beautiful and pleasant to hear.

27. Syahdu: A calm and heartfelt atmosphere.

28. Boisterous: Crowded and noisy, often associated with crowds.

29. Peace: A condition without conflict or conflict.

30. Shady: A cool, comfortable place, usually in the shade.

31. Disappear: Disappear without a trace, vanish without a trace.

32. Forehead: The part above the eyes that often shows expression.

33. Violet: Soft, faint light, often occurs at sunset or sunrise.

34. Permai: Beautiful and pleasant, often used to describe the weather or atmosphere.

35. Serene: Calm and peaceful, free from anxiety or tension.

36. Clumpy: Gathered together, usually refers to solid objects or liquids that are lumpy.

37. Officer: A leader or high-ranking official in the military.

38. Useful: Useful and providing positive benefits to others.

39. Shiny: Clean and shiny, often used to describe objects that shine or glow.

40. Bright: A strong, clear light, often associated with bright sunlight.

Beautiful words in Indonesian are interesting

photo: freepik.com

41. Authority: Respected honor and authority.

42. Dim: Dim and vague light, often occurs at dusk or at night.

43. Prostrate: Bend your knees and touch your forehead to the ground as a form of respect in worship.

44. Appropriate: As it should be or in accordance with established standards.

45. Rose: A beautiful and fragrant flower, often considered a symbol of love and beauty.

46. Mane: Long, dense hair on an animal, especially on the tail of a horse or lion.

47. Gift: A gift or gift given without strings attached.

48. Resplendent: A shine or brilliance that attracts attention.

49. Harmonious: A pleasant suitability or harmony.

50. Reliable: Reliable and able to be relied on to do something.

51. Crochet: Carefully arranging yarn or fabric to create a knitted or embroidered work.

52. Steadfast: Strong and steady in belief or determination.

53. Jungle: A dense and wild forest.

54. Khayal: Imagination or thoughts that soar far away.

55. Sirep: Free from worry or tension, feeling calm and comfortable.

56. Resilient: Strong and resilient in facing challenges.

57. Full Moon: The phase of the moon when it is fully visible in the sky.

58. Sky Blue: A bright and beautiful sky color, often seen on clear days.

59. Purnabakti: Sincere and wholehearted devotion.

60. Dynamic: Active and moving with energy and enthusiasm.

61. Gentleness: Gentleness or gentleness in attitude and behavior.

62. Sunny: Bright and clear, often used to describe sunny weather.

63. Radiant: A face that is radiant and radiant with happiness or health.

64. Shade: Protect or provide comfortable shelter.

65. Champion: Winner or champion in a competition or match.

66. Perfect: Without defects or flaws, in the best condition.

67. Dedication: Fierce devotion or loyalty to a goal or ideal.

68. Eternal: Timeless and does not change over time.

69. Authority: Impressive courage and strength.

70. Light: A source of light or brightness that illuminates darkness.

71. Wisdom: Wisdom or deep knowledge.

72. Shade: The dark or shadow side of sunlight.

73. Fragrant: A pleasant, calming smell, such as the scent of flowers or spices.

74. Elegant: Beautiful and attractive, having aesthetic appeal.

75. Prosperous: Living in a state of peace and prosperity, free from difficulty or suffering.

76. Ocean: A wide and deep ocean.

77. Happiness: A feeling of joy and satisfaction in life.

78. Gemintang: Stars that shine in the night sky.

79. Color: The quality or characteristic that makes someone or something unique.

80. Wings: Body parts that enable animals to fly.

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