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31 Maret 2017 16:00

8 Indonesian Horror Short Films For Your Friday Fright Night

Home alone? Let a spirit join you. Brilio.net
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Indonesia is famous for its urban legends that areno less creepy than Hollywood horror stories some might say ours are even scarier. Some creative filmmakers waste no chance to turn them into a horrifying masterpiece that's scary enough to make you scream like a baby.

We have some of them and we challenge you to watch them all tonight. Enjoy!

1. Grave Torture (Silent Terror)

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Prominent director Joko Anwar (Janji Joni, Kala, Modus Anomali) is also known for his works in short movies and among them is 'Grave Torture'.

The director raises an urban legend in Indonesia thatbelieves that those who doesevil things during his/her life will suffer torment in the grave when he/she dies. The seven-minutes disturbing clip tells the story of a kid who's accidentally been buried alive with his dead father.

2. Payung Merah (Red Umbrella)

A film by Andri Cung and Edward Gunawan that tells astory of a taxi driver (Rio Dewanto) who picks up a mysterious passenger (Atiqah).

The film was released in 2010 and successfully won several awards including Best Asian Short Film, Screen Singapore (2010), Best Short Film (Ladrang Award), Solo Film Festival (2011) and 1st Runner-Up of Europe On Screen (2012).

3. Sebelah

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The 14-minute clip is Reza Rahadian's first film as a director. Though he's new to directing movies, the film managed to win best film category in LA Light Film Festival.

Everything starts with the story of a girl and his abusive boyfriend. Well, perhaps it is best for you to watch the rest by yourself.

4. Moriendo

Inspired by Noviana Kusumawardhani's short story 'Sebuah Pagi dan Seorang Lelaki Mati', the animated film by Andrey Pratama portrays the paradox of death and life through memories of the character.

Moriendo was remastered with Japanese audio in 2016.

5. Sandekala

Taking the urban legend about keeping the children indoors at Maghrib time (sunset), a mother and her daughter have to go home before sunset in this film, when suddenly strains of gamelan came out of nowhere.

The 9-minute clip won the 2016 XXI Short Film Festival.

6. Revenge (Merindu Mantan)

A film by Andri Cung revolvesaround a girl (Aimee Saras) who gets her heart broken and intends to take a revenge on her ex-boyfriend throughwitchcraft.

7. Taxi

This short supernatural thriller by Arianjie AZ and Nadia Yuliani features Shareefa Dhanish who finds no other way to go home in the middle of the night except by riding the only taxi she sees.

The unsettling moment happened inside the cab then soon turns the situation into a terror.

8. Yours Truly

A film by A Cine et Cetera Production narrates the life of introverted flower delivery guy named Todi. He got no one but his tape recorder.

Until one day he meets Kayla and their relationship goes deeper. When he just decides to leave her forever, the nightmare begins.

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