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2 Februari 2024 23:45

75 words today about life's struggle, inspirational and never giving up

As a human, you definitely need motivation about life at certain times. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Maybe you are familiar with the expression 'life is an endless struggle'. Yup, how could it not be? Every day, you are faced with various kinds of challenges, problems and difficulties that must be overcome. Like a job that hasn't been found yet, after getting your dream job there are other obstacles. Yes, you could say there is no shortcut to achieving what you want, even after achieving what you hope for, there are other struggles you need to face.

But as a human, of course you will feel overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, and often there is a desire to give up. At times like that, you need motivation and inspiration that can restore your enthusiasm and confidence. The reason is that every sentence you read or hear has magical powers that can influence the way you think. Therefore, don't just take words for granted.

So, today's words about life's struggles can be a source of motivation and inspiration. Today's words can give you messages, advice, and reminders about the purpose and meaning of life. In this article , brilio.net will provide examples of today's words about life's struggles that you can quote. The hope is that today's words about life's struggles can be pondered, absorbed, and then inspired so that they turn into strength when you want to give up.

Here are 75 words today about life's struggle, inspirational and never giving up. Summarized from various sources on Friday (2/2).

Today's words about life's struggle, inspirational and never giving up.

photo: freepik.com

1. "At every step, life's struggles teach us about grit and courage."

2. "Every second is an invisible struggle, but it is the true story of every individual."

3. "The flower of success grows from the fertile soil of struggle."

4. "In every challenge, there is new strength that emerges from our struggle."

5. "Moving forward is a decision to continue facing the flow of life's struggles."

6. "Behind a smile, there is a story of struggle that forms true character."

7. "Every failure is an initial milestone to reach a higher peak of struggle."

8. "The struggle of life is a beautiful melody that accompanies the steps of our journey."

9. "In the dark of night, struggle is the light that guides us towards dawn."

10. "Facing the storms of struggle teaches us how to be grateful when the sun shines again."

11. "Struggle is not the end of everything, but the path to achieving a better life."

12. "Life is a long journey, and struggle is the provision that makes it meaningful."

13. "With every heartbreak, we find new strength in the struggle to find happiness."

14. "Obstacles are not obstacles, but fuel for the struggle to achieve your dreams."

15. "In every endeavor, struggle is a loyal friend that carves true character."

16. "When the sky is cloudy, struggle is an umbrella that protects us from the rain of life."

17. "There is no success without struggle, and every struggle leads us to success."

18. "Building a dream is a struggle that never stops, but the results are so satisfying."

19. "Struggle is the art of turning the raw stones of life into extraordinary masterpieces."

20. "Every difficulty is a test of struggle that measures how strong our determination is to achieve our dreams."

Today's words about life's struggle, achieve success in life.

photo: freepik.com

21. "Life's struggles are the best teacher, learn from them to grow into a strong person."

22. "Don't see struggles as a burden, but rather as an opportunity to become better."

23. "Every small step in your struggle is an investment in a better future."

24. "When you feel tired, remember that struggle is the first step to success."

25. "Struggle shapes your character; never be afraid to face it with your head held high and your heart strong."

26. "Your best plans may not always go according to plan, but the struggle will guide you."

27. "Struggle is part of the journey to success; enjoy every step."

28. "When faced with obstacles, see them as opportunities for growth, not obstacles."

29. "Struggle is a mirror that shows how far you have come in your journey."

30. "There is nothing instant in the struggle of life; be patient and keep trying."

31. "In struggle, find strength in simplicity and fortitude in sincerity."

32. "Every time you fall, get up with greater tenacity, because the struggle never ends."

33. "The courage to face struggle is the key to opening the door to success."

34. "Don't let failure hinder your fighting spirit; see it as a step towards success."

35. "Life's struggles are valuable lessons that make you grow and appreciate every moment."

36. "Managing emotions is a powerful weapon in facing the waves of struggle that come and go."

37. "Struggle is not a reason to give up, but rather an encouragement to keep going."

38. "If struggle makes you feel alone, remember that every individual has their own story of struggle."

39. "When you feel lost, focus on your goals and let the struggle be your guide."

40. "Struggle is part of life's adventure; enjoy your journey to success."

41. "No life is free from struggle; being wise is how we respond to it."

42. "Thanks to struggle, we can find true happiness and understand the true meaning of life."

43. "Don't be afraid to change the direction of your struggle if it brings you closer to your dreams."

44. "Struggle is not always visible, but its impact can be felt in the strength we have."

45. "In the end, every struggle is an inspiring story that can give hope to others."

Today's words about life's struggles, make you enthusiastic about achieving your dreams.

photo: freepik.com

46. "Dreams are the road map to your destiny; fight for them with confidence and determination."

47. "Every small step taken in the struggle for dreams is a trail to success."

48. "No dream is too big if you are willing to fight for it with all your heart."

49. "On the journey of fighting for your dreams, your persistence is the greatest fuel."

50. "Daring to grasp your dreams is the beginning of a journey that fills life with meaning."

51. "The challenges of achieving your dreams only strengthen your determination to win the struggle."

52. "Every effort to achieve a dream is an investment in a brighter future."

53. "The greatest momentum in your life comes when you dedicate yourself to fighting for your dreams."

54. "Dreams are the fire that burns your spirit; let your struggle be an ember that never goes out."

55. "There are no limits for those who dare to dream big and fight for their dreams."

56. "In the struggle to achieve your dreams, never forget that every step you take has meaning."

57. "In the end, the dreams you strive for are not only about the destination, but also about your journey to get there."

58. "In the struggle for dreams, patience is the key that opens the door to success."

59. "Every difficulty is a test on your journey to achieving your dreams; go through it with courage."

60. "Achieving your dreams is not a flashback of the past, but rather your influence on the future."

61. "Fight for your dreams with determination as if there is no other choice but to achieve them."

62. "Every rejection is a stepping stone to your higher dreams; never give up."

63. "In fighting for your dreams, obstacles are both a test and an opportunity to prove your strength."

64. "Dreams are the lifeblood of your life; fight for them with courage and perseverance."

65. "Don't just see dreams as the final goal, but enjoy every phase of the struggle to get there."

66. "In the struggle to achieve your dreams, your determination is the map that guides you through obstacles."

67. "If your heart is burning with dreams, struggle is only the first step to success."

68. "Every dream struggle shapes your character; be a person who never gives up."

69. "Your dreams are a gift; fight for them so they can give meaning to others."

70. "When trying to achieve your dreams, act like a winner even before your victory is achieved."

71. "In the end, your dreams are a reflection of the efforts and struggles you have made."

72. "Never hesitate to dream big; fight for your dreams with unwavering determination."

73. "In the struggle to achieve your dreams, every step you take is an inspiring story that inspires others."

74. "When your dreams become the trigger, your struggles become the milestones towards success."

75. "Struggle is an obstacle that must be overcome to achieve a dream; be the hero of your own story."

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