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28 Februari 2024 06:00

75 Examples of everyday toxic words, be careful not to accidentally say them and make other people's hearts hurt

The word toxic can appear to anyone. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
75 Examples of everyday toxic words, be careful not to accidentally say them and make other people's hearts hurt freepik.com

Brilio.net - In everyday life, communicating with other people definitely happens and is done. This communication process is to establish a relationship, whether business, friendship, romance, and so on. However, be careful not to say examples of toxic words unconsciously .

For example, the word toxic refers to words that do not provide support and have a bad connotation for the person you are talking to. You need to know and understand what good communication and words look like when talking to other people, even when you are full of emotion. Keep being a positive person.

You can use positive words to support each other even though there are mistakes in them.

Please note, the word toxic is very many and varied, so you have to know what examples are. So that toxic words will not come out of your mouth.

As compiled by brilio.net from various sources, here are 75 examples of everyday toxic words, Tuesday (27/2). Be careful not to accidentally say toxic words and make other people's hearts hurt.

Examples of toxic words in friendship.

photo: freepik.com

1. "You never do anything right."

2. "I'm tired of all your complaints."

3. "Why are you always like that? You're so annoying."

4. "I feel like I could do better than being friends with you."

5. "You only think about yourself."

6. "You're too sensitive. Stop thinking so much about your feelings."

7. "No wonder you don't have many friends. You're too hard to reach."

8. "I feel like I'm wasting my time being friends with you."

9. "You always make things difficult."

10. "I don't like hanging out with overly negative people like you."

11. "You can't be trusted."

12. "You just complain without doing anything to change the situation."

13. "I want to be friends with someone better than you."

14. "You're always looking for attention."

15. "I feel like I can't be myself around you."

Examples of toxic words in romantic relationships.

photo: freepik.com

16. "You're not good enough for me."

17. "I'm better without you."

18. "You're too jealous, it's so annoying."

19. "I feel trapped in this relationship."

20. "You'll never find someone like me."

21. "You're too emotional, stop overdoing it."

22. "You're always wrong."

23. "I'm tired of you."

24. "You don't deserve love."

25. "I am more important than you."

26. "I never loved you."

27. "You won't be able to live without me."

28. "You embarrass me."

29. "I'm smarter than you."

30. "You will never be successful without me."

Examples of the word toxic in a business environment.

photo: freepik.com

31. "You don't have what it takes to get this job done."

32. "You don't deserve that promotion."

33. "I'd rather do the work myself."

34. "You are too slow and inefficient."

35. "Don't ask me, find out for yourself!"

36. "You have no meaningful contribution to this team."

37. "You're not smart enough to understand this."

38. "You only think about yourself."

39. "You are worthless to this company."

40. "If you don't like these rules, please just leave!"

41. "I don't care what you think."

42. "You just make mistakes all the time."

43. "You're too ambitious, stop dreaming big."

44. "You have no leadership skills."

45. "You're just wasting time and resources."

Examples of toxic words in the family.

photo: freepik.com

46. "You have always been a disappointment to this family."

47. "You will never be like your brother/sister."

48. "You are too weak."

49. "You are not smart enough to achieve anything."

50. "You're just burdening this family."

51. "Why can't you be like (name of another family member)?"

52. "You don't deserve the love and support of a family."

53. "You are always the source of trouble."

54. "You mean nothing to this family."

55. "You only think about yourself."

56. "You can't be trusted."

57. "I regret ever having a child like you."

58. "You will never succeed in life."

59. "I feel sorry for being part of this family."

60. "You're too emotional, stop overdoing it."

Examples of toxic words in the school environment.

photo: freepik.com

61. "You are too stupid to understand this lesson."

62. "You will never do well on this exam."

63. "You don't deserve to be part of a sports team."

64. "You're too clumsy to do that."

65. "You will only be a loser all your life."

66. "You are not suited to be the leader on this project."

67. "You are too strange to be accepted among your friends."

68. "You will never get awards or recognition."

69. "You're just disrupting this class."

70. "I don't want to work with someone like you."

71. "You don't have any friends because of your attitude."

72. "You're just wasting your time studying."

73. "You will never pass this test."

74. "You don't have the talent to do anything meaningful."

75. "You're too timid to try new things."

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