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17 September 2024 18:30

7 Ways for Education students to manage their time so that their studies are not disturbed

One of them is prioritizing tasks based on deadlines. Brilio.net
7 Ways for Education students to manage their time so that their studies are not disturbed

Brilio.net - Studying in the Education department is certainly full of challenges. In addition to having to balance theory and practice, students in this department are also faced with the responsibility of being future educators. Piling up assignments, tight class schedules, and off-campus activities often make time feel very limited. Therefore, managing time well is the key to all activities running smoothly without sacrificing academic quality.

Managing time effectively is not only about completing assignments on time, but also maintaining a balance between studying, social life, and adequate rest. Many students majoring in Education feel overwhelmed because they have not found the right strategy to manage their time. In fact, good time management is not only useful during college, but is also very much needed when entering the world of work as a teacher.

Here are 7 ways to manage time for Education students that can help keep your studies running smoothly without any disruption. Each of these methods is based on the experiences of students who have successfully balanced their college assignments, internships, and daily life well.

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1. Create a daily and weekly schedule

A regular routine starts with making a clear schedule. Making a daily and weekly schedule can help you see what activities need to be completed. That way, students majoring in Education can divide their time between lectures, assignments, and other activities. Write down the schedule on a calendar, notebook, or application on your phone so that it is easier to access. With a regular schedule, time feels more organized, and tasks do not seem to pile up on the weekend.

2. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines

When many tasks come at once, it is important to prioritize. Focus your energy and time on tasks that have the closest deadline. Don't procrastinate on tasks that need immediate attention. By making a priority list, tasks will feel lighter, and nothing will be missed. Always remember, tasks that are done at the right time will be of better quality than those done at the last minute.

3. Take advantage of free time between lectures

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As a student, free time between lectures can be used wisely. Use this time to complete small assignments or read lecture materials. Don't waste time procrastinating or playing with your phone for too long. Productivity during breaks will provide great benefits. This way, the night time can be used to rest or do other activities without feeling burdened by college assignments.

4. Use the pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique can be an effective solution to improve focus. The method is simple: focus on studying or working on assignments for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat until the task is completed. By using this technique, the brain will not be too tired because there are regular rest breaks. This method also helps in building discipline and maintaining concentration while working. Time efficiency also increases, so tasks can be completed faster.

5. Limit activities outside of academics

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Students are often tempted to join many activities outside of academics, such as organizations, communities, or just hanging out with friends. Although these activities are important to maintain social balance, limit them so that they do not interfere with study and lecture time. Choose activities that truly support personal and professional development. Remember, college is the main priority, and don't let non-academic activities hinder academic achievement.

6. Don't delay work

Procrastination is the main enemy of time management. The longer a task is postponed, the harder it is to start. Therefore, make it a habit to start working on tasks as soon as they are given. Start from the easiest or most interesting part. Once you start, the motivation to finish the task will usually come by itself. Tasks that are completed early provide a sense of relief, and the remaining time can be used for other more productive things.

7. Maintain physical and mental health

Physical and mental health greatly affect the ability to manage time. Students majoring in Education who are physically and mentally healthy will be more focused, more productive, and better able to complete assignments on time. Make sure to maintain a diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Don't forget to also take time to relax or do a fun hobby so you don't get stressed easily. This balance will make the days feel lighter and more organized.

Managing time is not easy, especially for students majoring in Education who are often burdened with many assignments and activities. However, by implementing the 7 methods above, the college process can be carried out more smoothly and effectively. The key is discipline, consistency, and awareness to continue developing oneself. When time can be managed well, everything will feel lighter, and academic success is no longer just a dream.

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