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24 Oktober 2015 00:00

7 Most popular locations in Mountain Semeru that hikers must visit!

The mountain which is the highest peak of Java has insanely gorgeous scenery! Muhammad Gufron Salim

Brilio.net/en - One of the most favorite destinations for hiking enthusiasts in Indonesia is Mount Semeru (3.676 masl) on the border of Lumajang and Malang, East Java. This mountain which is the highest peak of Java has insanely gorgeous scenery. This is why so many hikers clamor to the summit of this mountain each year. In order to hike Mount Semeru, visitors would tend to make Malang as their base before heading out to the national park. Kota Baru Malan Station, as the main train station in the city is always full of would-be hikers every weekend. From Malang, hikers will continue their journey to Tumpang right outside of Malang. It is a place where the climbers make final preparations before climbing Mount Semeru.

During the hike, adventurers will see sweeping panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. . There are several popular locales on the way up Mount Semeru due to its magnificence. Here are the seven most popular locations:

1. Ranu Padi

Ranu Padi is a lake near Ranu Pani Village, Senduro, Lumajang, East Java. Ranu Pani is part of the Bromo Tenger Semeru National Park (TNBTS). It is the first checkpoint in climbing Mount Semeru. Licenses to proceed further can also be obtained at Ranu Pani Post. Those who have climbed it must surely remember this place right?

2. Ranu Kumbolo

Ranu Kumbolo is a freshwater lake located at the mountainous area of Tengger, at the foothills of Mount Semeru.
The area of this lake is about 15 hectares. For climbers, Ranu Kumbolo is a popular place beautiful scenery. The lake is also an important transit point in the journey up to the Mahameru peak.

3. Tanjakan Cinta

Tanjakan Cinta is a footpath that leads further upwards with about a 45 degrees inclination. It is located exactly after Ranu Kumbolo towards Ombo. When passing Tanjakan Cinta, the climbers are encouraged to not look back. As the story goes, if you look back you will experience a hearbreak, believe it or not.

4. Oro-Oro Ombo

Oro-Oro Ombo is a huge favorite among those that embark on this trek. . At this location, you will get a chance to take in the breathtaking views of a vast savanna. If you visit in the right season, the savanna will turn a purple hue because of the blooming lavender flowers. Picture perfect indeed!

5. Kalimati

Kalimati is one of the last transit locations before attacking the summit of Mount Semeru. The word Kalimati, which means Dead River, is derived from the name of a river which has no water. The water of the river only flows during the rainy season, in which the water fuses with the lava flow of Semeru. This area is a vast grassland with bush plants and edelweiss flowers with an area of about 20 hectares area.

6. Arcapadha

Arcapadha is a point before you directly go to the peak of Mount Semeru. The word Arcapadha is derived from ancient Javanese language which means a place of statue. Supposedly there is a statue thats located on Javas highest peak. Only a few climbers are lucky to find this statue.

7. Mahameru

The peak of Mount Semeru is commonly dubbed as Mahameru. From this peak, a crater called Jonggring Saloko can be seen. The crater will still spew volcanic ash, smoke, and lava around every 10-15 minutes. For those that have reached this high point, there really is few to do aside from take in the magnificent scenery and be grateful that youve made it!

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