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24 Juni 2024 13:41

7 Chronology of concert cancellation in Tangerang, audience burned stage and band equipment worth hundreds of millions

A music concert in Tangerang called Lentera Festival ended in chaos because Guyon Waton and NDX were declared not to be performing. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Recently there was a stir on social media, a concert held at Kampung Teureup Field, Suka Asih Village, Pasarkemis District, Tangerang Regency ended in chaos. The concert, called Tangerang Lentera Festival 2024 (TNG Lenfest), is scheduled to be held on Sunday (23/6) featuring Guyon Waton and NDX AKA.

Chaos broke out when Guyon Waton and NDX were declared not to be appearing at the concert. As a result, the audience who had bought tickets for IDR 135 thousand were angry. Then they all expressed their anger by burning down the stage and the sound system that had been installed.

photo: Instagram/@lantera.festival

Pasarkemis Police Chief, AKP Ucu Nuryandi, said that the chaos was indeed caused by the audience's disappointment with the organizers. In his statement, the concert which was supposed to start at 19.00 WIB did not start until the audience was furious.

"That's right, because the music event was canceled unilaterally by the committee. That's why many viewers were disappointed," said Ucu Nuryandi, quoted from merdeka.com on Monday (24/6).

This incident also harmed many parties and became a trending topic on various social media timelines. Reported by brilio.net from various sources on Monday (24/6), here is the complete chronology.

1. The committee has not yet completed the administration of Guyon Waton and NDX AKA.

photo: Instagram/@lantera.festival

Shortly before the concert, the committee had not yet completed the administration for Guyon Waton and NDX AKA. This is proven by a statement letter signed by 'Muhammad Dian Permana' as chairman of the committee on June 23 2024. The letter states his ability to complete all administration for the series of artists he invited.

Furthermore, there was also a statement that Guyon Waton and NDX AKA could not appear if the committee failed to resolve the issue. It was proven that in the evening, a number of artists did not perform at the concert.

2. The chairman of the committee ran away with hundreds of millions in cash.

Apart from failing to resolve administrative issues, Muhammad Dian Permana is also said to have taken hundreds of millions in concert money. This was conveyed directly via the official Instagram account of the institution holding the concert with the username @lantera.festival. In the post, it was explained that Dian left the location and ran away 1 hour after the concert started. Even though the money must be used for all concert needs.

3. The audience was so angry that they burned the stage.

As a result of the concert not starting, the audience immediately went berserk and vented their frustration by setting fire to the stage. This is based on the confession of one of the viewers named Imah. He said that the audience was upset after finding out that the committee had not paid several artists who would appear at the concert.

"From the start there were signs that the concert wouldn't take place. Many spectators went berserk, breaking their pagers and setting fire to the stage," said Imah, quoted from merdeka6.com.

4. Police and TNI officers were overwhelmed when calming the angry crowd.

photo: Instagram/@jakartakeras

Because of the chaos, police and TNI officers admitted that they were overwhelmed in containing the anger of the audience. As a result, the crowd could only be disbanded after a number of facilities had burned down.

"At 20.30 WIB the situation was under control and conducive because the audience dispersed. Indeed, several facilities were burned, there were sounds that were also burned," explained Ucu Nuryandi, Head of Pasarkemis Police.

5. Vendors lose hundreds of millions.

As a result of the burning, the vendor admitted that he suffered losses of up to hundreds of millions. This can be seen in one of the Instagram posts on the @ima_ervi account. He said that the audience was misdirected in expressing their anger. The reason is, the disappointment should have been released to the event committee but it was the vendors who were affected.

"Disappointed with the event committee but we as vendors are affected! If this happens, who is responsible," said @ima_ervi as a vendor.

6. Spectators loot vendor property.

Apart from losses due to burning, several properties belonging to vendors were also taken away by spectators. This can be seen in a post from the @ima_ervi account, where there was a group of people riding together carrying a fence which is usually used for concerts. The vendor then asked netizens for help to immediately find the perpetrator who looted the equipment.

7. The event committee is now at large.

photo: Instagram/@ima_ervi

Tangerang City Police (Polresta) and Banten Police are currently hunting for the committee responsible for the concert. This was conveyed directly by AKP Ucu Nuryandi as Head of Pasarkemis Police. According to his statement, none of the committee members were at the location when the burning occurred.

"We are looking for responsibility for the committee, so we are looking for the committee because they weren't all there at the time of the incident," he said.

"This means that the police are looking for the committee to hold them accountable after the concert was chaotic and all the audience were disappointed because they had already bought entrance tickets," he concluded.

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