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2 Agustus 2024 23:45

50 Gombalan name bikin baper, the meaning is romantic to make the klepek-klepek crazy

It seems simple, a name that makes you excited has its own charm. Khansa Nabilah
50 Gombalan name bikin baper, the meaning is romantic to make the klepek-klepek crazy foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Creativity in teasing is often unlimited , even names can be used as material for flirting. Using names to make you emotional has become a trend among young people to express their feelings. This play on words can create heart-fluttering romantic moments.

A person's name or place name can be twisted into sweet sentences full of meaning. This name-calling that makes you excited often makes your crush blush or even cry. The uniqueness of this rag lies in the surprising meaning behind the familiar name.

Even though it seems simple, a name that makes you excited has its own charm. These sentences can be a fun conversation starter or icebreaker on a date. Creativity in arranging words is the key to the success of this type of rag.

Here, brilio.net summarizes from various sources, Friday (2/8), 50 names that will make you excited that you can try to practice with your crush. Starting from people's names to city names, everything can be transformed into a romantic expression of love .

The gossiping of people's names makes you salty.

photo: freepik.com

1. "Hey, what's Raisa's husband's name? Hamish, you."

2. "Hi, you are Ai, right? Ai love you."

3. "I am Dilan, stricken by your love."

4. "You should just change your name to Google, then what I'm looking for is all of you."

5. "Should I change my name to fortune? So I won't be rejected by you."

6. "Should I change my name to Amen? So that I will always be in your prayers."

7. "I'm originally from Java, the answer to your prayers all this time."

8. "Is this really Mila? | Yes, I'm alone too. | Maybe we're soul mates."

9. "Do you know Iwan? I want to be your wife."

10. "This is Bima, Bimai boyfriend please?"

11. "Ask me, who is Iwan? Iwan you to be mine."

12. "I have a crush on you, what are the names of baby wipes? Me too."

13. "I'm beautiful. It's beautiful when we're together."

14. "Do you know Iwan? | Who? | I want to be your husband."

15. "Do you know Maymay? | No, which child? | May I love you?"

16. "Do you know Ai? | No, who is that? | Ai lope you."

17. "Neng, do you know Teri? | No, who? | Accept me, I'll be your husband."

18. "Neng, don't change your name to flowers, okay? I'm afraid the flowers will feel inferior because they won't be as beautiful as you."

19. "Do you know Yesi? | Which child? | Yes i love you."

20. "Do you know Yesi? | Who is Yesi? | Yes i want you."

21. "Do you know Tara? | Who? | Tara-ra-rang I'm in your heart."

22. "Do you know Dimas? | Who is that? | In your heart I am still loyal."

23. "Eh, do you know Putri? | Whose daughter? | The princess of my heart all this time."

24. "Do you know Rani's name? | No, why? | Rani wants to spend time with you."

25. "Do you know Eka? | Who is Eka? | Eka really loves you."

The pun on the name of the city makes you emotional.

photo: freepik.com

26. "Do you know Bandung? | Yes, a city in West Java, right? | No, I can't stop myself from getting excited every time I see you."

27. "Do you know Surabaya? | The capital of East Java, right? | No, he likes to grope his heart every time he meets you."

28. "Have you ever been to Yogyakarta? | Not yet, why? | Yo or not, let's just do it?"

29. "You know Semarang? | A city in Central Java, right? | No, Semarang is asking you to marry me."

30. "Have you ever heard of Malang? | A city in East Java, huh? | Yes, I'm willing to cross Malang for your love."

31. "Do you know the city of Medan? | The capital of North Sumatra, right? | No, Me and you, forever and always."

32. "You know Palembang? | The city of pempek? | No, Palembang-un your new love."

33. "Do you know Sidoarjo? | That city near Surabaya? | No, day and night praying that we will be together forever."

34. "Do you know Manado? | City in North Sulawesi, right? | No, Mana-wish the best for both of us."

35. "Do you know Padang? | The city of rendang? | No, Padang-in keeps my heart filled with your love."

36. "Do you know Semarang? | The capital of Central Java, right? | No, I miss and love you more every time I see you."

37. "Do you know Banjarmasin? | City in South Kalimantan? | No, Banjar-masin-yes I love you."

38. "Do you know Denpasar? | The capital of Bali, right? | No, with you my hopes for the future are very big."

39. "Have you ever been to Jambi? | Not yet, why? | Just tell me if you love me."

40. "Have you ever been to Pasuruan? | A city in East Java, right? | No, the ups and downs of a relationship must be maintained with you."

41. "Have you ever been to Pamekasan? | Not yet, why? | Your charm leaves an impression on your memory and feelings."

42. "Have you ever heard of Mataram? | City in West Nusa Tenggara? | No, Mata-friendly to see you smile."

43. "Do you know Kupang? | The capital of East Nusa Tenggara, right? | No, I call your name in every prayer."

44. "You know Jepara? | The city of carvings? | No, I'm clear about my feelings without pretending to you."

45. "Have you ever been to Jayapura? | Not yet, why? | Jaya pretends not to like you, even though she loves you."

46. "Do you know Batang? | Regency in Central Java, right? | Yes, with you I will be calm forever."

47. "Have you ever heard of Indramayu? | A city in West Java, right? | No, the beauty of your seduction makes my heart wilt."

48. "Have you heard of Mamuju? | The capital of West Sulawesi, right? | No, Ma-muju-jur, I like you."

49. "Do you know Palu? | A city in Central Sulawesi, right? | No, just forget all your exes, focus on me."

50. "You know Sukabumi? | A city in West Java, right? | No, your voice makes me have sweet dreams every night."

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