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29 Agustus 2024 05:25

50 Examples of imperative sentences in English, understand the meaning and how to use them

Mastering imperative sentences can help improve your speaking and writing skills in English. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Command sentences in English, or what is known as imperative sentences, have an important role in everyday communication. This type of sentence is used to give instructions, requests, or direct orders to someone. In the context of learning English, understanding imperative sentences is very important because they are often used in formal and informal situations. Not only limited to situations at school or work, but also used in everyday conversation.

Mastering imperative sentences can help improve your English speaking and writing skills. When someone understands how to use imperative sentences correctly, they can give clear instructions, both in written and spoken form. This is very useful, for example, when you have to give directions to someone or when you are writing instructions in an official document or professional email.

Therefore, brilio.net provides 50 examples of imperative sentences in English, complete with how to use them in various situations that have been collected from various sources, Wednesday (28/8). Each example will show variations in the use of imperative sentences for various purposes, from simple instructions to more subtle requests.

Definition of imperative sentences in English

Examples of imperative sentences in English

Imperative sentences in English are used to convey commands, requests, or instructions. They usually start with a base verb (infinitive without "to") and the subject is often omitted because it is usually clear from the context who is being spoken to. For example, "Open the door!" is an imperative sentence where the subject "you" is not explicitly stated but is implied.

There are several ways to make imperative sentences sound more polite or forceful, depending on the situation and the relationship between the speaker and the listener. For example, using the word "please" can make a command sound more polite, as in "Please sit down." Imperative sentences can also be turned into questions for a more polite tone, such as "Could you open the window?"

How to use command sentences

Examples of imperative sentences in English

Using imperative sentences in English is an important skill that can help in a variety of situations, both formal and informal. Here's how to use imperative sentences:

- Simple instructions: Used to give direct instructions. For example: "Close the door."

- Polite requests: Using the word "please" to make a command sound more polite. For example: "Please pass the salt."

- Prohibition: Using "do not" or its abbreviation "don't" to prohibit someone from doing something. For example: "Don't touch that!"

- Invitation or suggestion: Sometimes imperative sentences are used to invite or suggest something. For example: "Let's go to the park."

If you want to see an example but are confused about where to look for it, don't worry, you can see several examples that brilio.net has collected from various sources, Wednesday (28/8).

50 Examples of imperative sentences in English

Examples of imperative sentences in English

1. Open the window.

2. Close the door.

3. Please sit down.

4. Stand up.

5. Don't be late.

6. Turn off the lights.

7. Keep quiet, please.

8. Come here.

9. Don't touch that!

10. Wait for me.

11. Go straight ahead.

12. Don't forget to call me.

13. Take out the trash.

14. Clean your room.

15. Write your name.

16. Stop talking.

17. Start the car.

18. Bring me the book.

19. Don't drink and drive.

20. Help me with this.

21. Listen carefully.

22. Follow me.

23. Call the doctor.

24. Don't worry.

25. Read the instructions.

26. Don't leave your bag there.

27. Remember to lock the door.

28. Speak louder, please.

29. Don't interrupt.

30. Do your homework.

31. Tell me the truth.

32. Hurry up!

33. Put it down.

34. Look both ways before crossing.

35. Be careful.

36. Don't eat that!

37. Pass me the salt, please.

38. Wear your seatbelt.

39. Don't make noise.

40. Send the email.

41. Let's meet at 5.

42. Don't be afraid.

43. Finish your work.

44. Have a seat.

45. Take a deep breath.

46. Don't cry.

47. Bring your umbrella.

48. Smile for the camera.

49. Don't open the window.

50. Follow the rules.

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