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14 Oktober 2016 18:10

5 Men Who Literally Sued God

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5 Men Who Literally Sued God

Brilio.net/en - Most people tend to keep their religious views to themselves and almost all countries separate religionand state, but some people just aren't on the same page.

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1. Ernie Chambers, US Senator.

Image viawashingtontimes.com

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Ernie Chambers sued God for themisery and misfortune ofhis constituentsin Omaha. In his lawsuit, he questioned Gods decision to senddisasters to the world including terorrism and poverty.

2. David Shoshan.

Image viatori.ng

David Shoshan filed a lawsuit against God atHaifa Court in Israel becausehe feltGod had been cruel to him by never allowing him to be happy. He asked police 10 times if they couldarrest God.

3. Mark Sharpe, a former priest.

Image viatelegraph.co.uk

Mark Shapeis an English former priest whosued God, blaming Himfor hisresignation from the priesthood. He also reported God to the police.

4.Pavel Mircea, a convict.

Image viayoutube.com

Pavel Mirceais a convict from Timisoara, Romania. He filed a lawsuit against God in July 2007, accusingHimof breaking a promise they made in 2005, in whichMircea agreed to be baptized if God removed evil from his life. The convict argued that God failed to hold up his end of the bargain after he got wrapped up in a murder case.

5.Chandan Kumar Singh, a lawyer.

Image viafirstpost.com

Not the traditional God, but nonetheless... Chandan Kumar Singh is an Indian lawyer who accused Rama of physically abusing His wife Sita and brought the case to the High Court of India. He filed the lawsuit citing theRamayana story, which tells that after Ravana kidnapped Sita, Rama askedherto burn herself to prove she didnt cheat on him during her captivity.

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