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25 September 2024 01:25

5 Examples of short speech texts and their structure, guaranteed to be more effective in front of people

Speech is one of the effective ways to convey messages or information in front of many people. Niko Sulpriyono
5 Examples of short speech texts and their structure, guaranteed to be more effective in front of people freeepik.com/freepik

Brilio.net - Speech is one of the effective ways to convey a message or information in front of many people. Both in formal and informal events, good speech skills can make someone more confident and able to influence the audience. A good speech must be composed with a clear structure and easy-to-understand language, so that the message delivered can be well received by the listener.

Here are 5 examples of short speech texts and their structures that can help you appear more confident in front of people. Each example is structured by following the standard structure of a speech text, so it can be a useful reference for anyone who wants to learn or write their own speech. Let's look at the following examples to get a clearer picture of how to compose a good and correct speech text.

Speech text structure

  1. Opening : This section serves to introduce yourself and greet the audience. A good opening will grab the audience's attention and make them interested in listening to the speech further. Usually, the opening also includes a thank you to the party who has given the opportunity to speak.

  2. Content : This section is the core of the speech, where the speaker delivers the message or information he wants to convey. The content of the speech must be arranged logically and systematically, so that it is easy for the audience to follow. Use clear and easy-to-understand language, and include relevant examples or illustrations to strengthen the message.

  3. Closing : This section serves to summarize the main points that have been conveyed in the speech. A good closing will leave a strong impression and leave a message that inspires or motivates the audience. Usually, the closing also includes a thank you to the audience for their attention.

1. Speech about the importance of education

Opening: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of you all. My name is Budi, and today I would like to talk about the importance of education.

Content: Education is the key to unlocking the door to a better future. Through education, a person can gain the knowledge and skills needed to face life's challenges. Education also helps shape a person's character and personality, so that they become responsible individuals and contribute positively to society. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have access to quality education.

Closing: That is my short speech about the importance of education. Hopefully what I have conveyed can provide inspiration and motivation for all of us to continue learning and developing ourselves. Thank you for your attention.

2. Speech about the environment

Opening: Good morning, friends. My name is Sinta, and today I want to talk about the environment. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of all of you.

Content: The environment is a place where we live and do our daily activities. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and environmental sustainability is our shared responsibility. Unfortunately, many of us still care less about the environment. Scattered garbage, air pollution, and forest destruction are some examples of environmental problems that need to be addressed immediately. Let's start from small things, such as throwing garbage in its place, reducing plastic use, and planting trees.

Closing: That is my short speech about the environment. Hopefully what I have conveyed can make us all aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Thank you for your attention.

3. Speech about health

Opening: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Andi, and today I would like to talk about health. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of you all.

Content: Health is a very valuable asset. Without good health, we cannot carry out our daily activities optimally. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain our health with a healthy lifestyle. Eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest are some ways to maintain health. In addition, do not forget to have regular health checks so that you can detect early if there are health problems.

Closing: That is my short speech about health. Hopefully what I have conveyed can motivate us all to maintain our health. Thank you for your attention.

4. Speech about the importance of reading

Opening: Good morning, friends. My name is Rina, and today I want to talk about the importance of reading. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of all of you.

Content: Reading is a window to the world. Through reading, we can gain extensive knowledge and insight. Reading can also improve critical and analytical thinking skills. Unfortunately, the interest in reading among our society is still low. Many of us prefer to spend time playing gadgets rather than reading books. Let's start getting used to reading every day, even if it's only a few pages. By reading, we can open our horizons of knowledge and become smarter individuals.

Closing: That is my short speech about the importance of reading. Hopefully what I have conveyed can inspire us all to be more fond of reading. Thank you for your attention.

5. Speech about technology

Opening: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Dika, and today I would like to talk about technology. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of you all.

Content: Technology has brought many changes to our lives. With technology, we can do things more easily and quickly. However, technology also has negative impacts if not used wisely. Dependence on gadgets, the spread of false information, and threatened privacy are some examples of the negative impacts of technology. Therefore, it is important for us to use technology wisely. Use technology for positive things, such as studying, working, and communicating with others.

Closing: That is my short speech about technology. Hopefully what I have conveyed can provide insight for all of us to use technology wisely. Thank you for your attention.

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