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10 September 2024 23:45

5 Examples of short informative texts on various themes, short and easy to understand

This kind of text is called informative text. Its function is clear, namely to convey facts or knowledge to the reader. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - In everyday life, you often find various types of texts that provide information without any elements of opinion. This type of text is called informative text. Its function is clear, namely to convey facts or knowledge to readers in a way that is easy to understand. This type of text is widely used in various fields, both in education, business, technology, and in social life. By using straightforward and efficient language, informative text aims to provide information that is precise, concise, and not convoluted.

Informative texts are not only used by academics or professionals, but also by anyone who wants to convey information systematically and easily understood. For example, articles on the internet, news reports, instruction manuals, and product advertisements often use informative texts to convey messages to their readers. The writing of this text must pay attention to the accuracy of the information, a clear structure, and the use of simple language so that it is easily understood by various groups.

Learning how to compose informative text is a very useful skill, especially for students, college students, or those who work in the field of communication and media. This ability allows someone to explain a topic or problem in an efficient and structured way. In this article, brilio.net will discuss five examples of informative texts from various themes, which are expected to help readers understand how informative texts are well composed.

Understanding informative text

Informative text is a text that aims to provide accurate information or facts to the reader. The information is delivered objectively, without any element of opinion from the author. This text is usually used to explain a particular topic in a straightforward and easy-to-understand language, so that readers can obtain information quickly and accurately. For that, brilio.net has collected 5 examples of short informative texts on various themes, Tuesday (10/9).

5 Examples of short informative texts

Example 1: Informative text about health

Title: The importance of maintaining dental and oral health

Dental and oral health is often considered trivial, whereas poor oral health can cause various more serious health problems. Food residue stuck to the teeth can cause plaque buildup, which if not cleaned, will trigger gum infections. In addition, poor oral health also risks causing other diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, it is very important to maintain oral hygiene by diligently brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using dental floss, and regularly checking with your dentist.

Example 2: Informative text about technology

Title: Development of AI technology in the future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies that has experienced rapid development in the last few decades. This technology is used in various fields, from industry, education, to health. AI is able to process data quickly, learn patterns, and make decisions based on that data. In the future, AI technology is predicted to be increasingly integrated into human life, such as in autonomous vehicle systems, robotics, and health applications that can diagnose diseases automatically. However, the development of AI also raises various challenges, especially in terms of ethics and data security.

Example 3: Informative text about education

Title: Benefits of reading books every day

Reading books is an activity that is very beneficial for the development of a person's brain and knowledge. By reading books, a person can improve critical thinking skills, expand vocabulary, and improve analytical skills. In addition, reading also helps the brain to stay active and trained, so it can prevent cognitive decline with age. Routinely reading books every day, even if only for 20-30 minutes, can have long-term positive impacts, such as increased concentration, memory, and creativity.

Example 4: Informative text about the environment

Title: Impact of climate change on marine life

Current climate change has a major impact on marine ecosystems around the world. Rising sea temperatures are causing coral reef bleaching, which is a habitat for many types of fish. In addition, rising sea levels are also threatening the survival of marine species that depend on coastal ecosystems. The decline in fish populations due to climate change is not only affecting marine ecosystems, but also humans who depend on marine products as a source of food. Therefore, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain the balance of marine ecosystems are very important.

Example 5: Informative text about social

Title: The important role of blood donors for public health

Blood donation is an act that can save many people's lives. In emergency situations, such as accidents or major surgery, patients often need large blood transfusions. Through blood donation, blood stocks in hospitals and blood banks can be maintained, so that they are ready to be used whenever needed. In addition, blood donation also has health benefits for donors, such as increasing the production of new blood cells and helping to detect diseases early. Therefore, active community participation in blood donation programs is needed to maintain adequate blood stocks.

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