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14 September 2024 04:00

5 Examples of research for teacher training students' theses, the themes are interesting and contemporary

Finding an interesting and relevant research topic is an important step in writing a thesis. Brilio.net
5 Examples of research for teacher training students' theses, the themes are interesting and contemporary

Brilio.net - Writing a thesis is an important part of a teacher training student's academic journey. Choosing an interesting topic that is relevant to current developments in the world of education is a challenge in itself. The right thesis topic not only attracts interest, but also makes a significant contribution to the world of education.

Choosing an interesting and contemporary research topic is very important for teaching students. The five examples above provide an overview of research that is not only interesting but also relevant to current developments in the world of education. These topics allow for in-depth research and make a real contribution to improving educational practices in schools. By choosing the right theme, a thesis can be a work that is useful for the world of education and the wider community.

Brilio.net has summarized from various sources, Saturday (14/9), the following are 5 examples of research for teacher training students' theses with interesting and contemporary themes.

1. Effectiveness of Game-Based Learning in Increasing Students' Learning Motivation

Game-based learning or gamification is one of the popular learning methods in the digital era. This research can explore how the use of game elements, such as points, levels, and challenges, can motivate students to be more active in the learning process. This thesis can include a case study in a junior or senior high school to see how gamification impacts student participation and understanding of the subject matter.

2. The Influence of Inquiry Learning Methods on Students' Critical Thinking Skills

The inquiry learning method emphasizes the process of exploration, asking questions, and finding answers, which are very important in improving students' critical thinking skills. This study can focus on how the inquiry method is applied in the classroom and how effective this method is in building critical thinking skills among elementary or secondary school students. This study is relevant to find out an effective approach in developing 21st century skills.

photo: pixabay.com

3. The Role of Social Media as a Learning Tool in Indonesian Language Subjects

Social media such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are increasingly being used by teachers to make learning more interactive and engaging. This study can see to what extent social media is effective in improving students' writing, speaking, and digital literacy skills. This study can be conducted at the junior or senior high school level by assessing changes in students' interests and learning outcomes after using social media as part of a teaching strategy.

4. Implementation of Inclusive Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Elementary Schools

Inclusive education is an approach that emphasizes the right of every child to receive an equal education regardless of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic, or other differences. This study can explore how elementary schools apply the concept of inclusivity in everyday learning. This study can also identify challenges faced by teachers, such as limited resources, lack of training, and how to overcome these challenges.

5. Use of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology for History Learning in Middle Schools

Virtual Reality (VR) technology is starting to be applied in the world of education to provide a more in-depth and interactive learning experience. This research can focus on how the use of VR in history learning can improve students' understanding of historical events and increase their interest in learning. This thesis can include experiments or comparative studies between classes using VR and classes using conventional teaching methods.

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